Darkest Jokes

I'm so much in debt, I can't afford to pay my electric bill... These are the darkest days of my life...

Score: 229

I’m in so much debt, I can’t afford to pay my electric bill. These are the darkest days of my life.

Score: 109
Funny Darkest Jokes
Score: 70

In college I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill Those were the darkest days of my life.

Score: 50

In the past, I was so broke I couldn’t afford the electricity bill... Those were the darkest days of my life

Score: 27

Which Harry Potter book is the darkest? Order of the Phoenix, because that’s when it starts getting Dead Sirius.

Score: 14

I remember how embarrassed I was when I couldn't pay my electric bill It was the darkest day of my life

Score: 12

It is during our darkest moments... That we need to replace the batteries of the flashlight

Score: 9

The darkest joke I have ever read My wife just accused me of hating her side of the family and relatives. I replied, "No, I don't hate your relatives. In fact, I like your mother-in-law a lot better than I like mine."

Edit - It was written in vantablack.

Score: 8

The Darkest Joke What's worse than a baby in a dumpster?

... A baby in two dumpsters.

Score: 6

What's the darkest dark humor joke you got? I start!..

What's the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani elementary school?

I don't know, I just fly the drone.

Score: 5

I once got into so much debt I couldn't even afford my electricity bills, they were the darkest times of my life.

Score: 5

Travelling through the deepest darkest jungles of Africa with my man servant Jeeves .... We broke through the dense undergrowth into a small clearing. There were eggs everywhere. I turned to Jeeves and said "This is obviously the work of poachers"

Score: 5

College days In college I was so broke I couldn’t pay the electricity bill.
These were the darkest days of my life.

Score: 4

What's the darkest joke you know? I've always been a fan or dark humor, so, what's the darkest joke you know. no boundaries, no getting offended. please don't downvote anyone because you find it offensive, that's life, get over it.

Score: 3

One of the darkest jokes I know. # How can you tell if your oven's done preheating?

Mr. Goldstein's stopped screaming.

[Edit: a typo]

Score: 3

Some people say that 9/11 was America's darkest hour but they got it backwards, 11/9

Score: 3

Why were Huma Abedin's darkest fears about seduction by Bill Clinton unfounded? Because ultimately it was Hillary who ended up showing her the Huma door.

Score: 2

2016's been bad! But today is definitely the darkest!

Score: 2

Oh come-on, You cant call Hitler a Racist, All of the world's darkest people worked for him.

Score: 2

You know what the greatest thing about January 20th 2017 12:01 AM? That is when its going to be the darkest before the Donald

Score: 2

Deep at the bottom of the darkest trench off the ocean lives the most feared sea monster to ever exist. The Kraken, Urbutt.

Score: 2

I asked a scientist what the darkest material on earth was... He said, Sarah Silverman's monologue.

Score: 1

Dark times I remember how embarrassed I was when I couldn’t pay my electric bill.  
It was the darkest day of my life.

Score: 1

You know what’s bothering me lately? Black is actually the darkest shade of white.

Score: 1

It shouldn't be surprising our first black president was elected prior to Trump It's always darkest before Don

Score: 1

Last year, I couldn't affort electricity bills for two months It was the darkest time of my life.

Score: 0

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