My nutritionist told me to only eat foods if I could pronounce their ingredients I gained a lot of weight after taking organic chemistry.
Welcome to organic chemistry Where questions like 'where do you keep your chloroform?', are no longer suspicious.
Things I learned in organic chemistry 1.How to draw hexagons.
Why do people call organic chemistry the meanest science? Because it’s always pushing electrons around
I can never understand organic chemistry. It has alkynes of problems.
I asked my organic chemistry teacher what kinds of jokes he likes... He said, “Alkynes”
Not everyone understands organic chemistry.
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get it or you don't.
Did you hear about the hippy scientist? He only did organic chemistry
Chemistry joke as told by my teacher Organic Chemistry is hard, if you don't study for the test you'll be in alkynes of trouble.
Organic Chemistry is difficult It can get you into alkynes of trouble
What’s the final boss question on any Organic Chemistry test? “What is the chemical formula for DNA?”