Humorous Jokes

I lost my job as a police officer just for giving a guy a breathalyser test. Apparently it "wasn't humorous" to the passenger that survived.

Score: 30

I told my Kentucky raised girlfriend her family tree doesn't fork... spoons.

She did not find it humorous

Score: 19

A boiled a funny bone once. It turned into a laughing stock. It was humorous.

Score: 15

A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother. Still unsure as to whether or not that full stop adds to humorous effect.

Score: 14

Death isn't funny. It's post-humorous.

Score: 14

I was trying to come up with a funny bone joke... But I couldn't think of anything humorous.

Score: 13

My teacher said, because I was acting up in class, I have to do a book report on the largest bone in the arm. Isn't that humorous?

Score: 9

Three stereotypes (one that you don't like) are in this particular situation The first two act in a normal or clever way, while the third confirms some negative thing you want to think about the stereotype, but in a humorous way!!

Score: 7

You wanna know the most HUMOROUS person I know? My Chiropractor, he really cracks me up

Score: 4
Funny Humorous Jokes
Score: 4

Everyone has a funny bone. Mine is my humorous.

Score: 3

I was going to post a humorous, witty and intelligent time travel joke... But you guys downvoted it.

Score: 2

A humorous statement proceeds into the taproom and the 'tender says, "Welcome to /r/Jokes! I don't think I've seen you here before." The courageous statement responds, "Fear not I! Within a fortnight, I shall become quite common herewithin these walls."

Score: 2

One spent hours in the parlor attempting to construct a humorous witticism to make light of one's impotence. But sadly one never came.

Score: 1

All humorous programmers know that // the real joke

Score: 0

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