Wife: I just got stung by a jellyfish. quick, pee on it Husband : [peeing on jellyfish] This is for stinging my wife
Jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains. This gives me hope for the next generation.
A woman on holiday was stung by a jellyfish...
She yells to her husband and says "I was stung by a jellyfish, you need to pee on it."
The husband runs over to the jellyfish and pees on it saying "that's for stinging my wife."
What do you call a jellyfish on a plane? A flightoplankton.
What type of fish goes well with peanut butter? A jellyfish!
What kind of fish is good with peanut butter? Jellyfish
A girl got stung stung by a jellyfish and I peed on it to relieve the pain She was actually stung six months ago, but in my defense, the scar was still there
What do jellyfish and a girl after prom night have in common? They can't be deboned.
A jellyfish stung my wife...
"Quick, pee on it!" Said my wife
*Pees on jellyfish* "That's for stinging my wife!"
What fish tastes best with peanut butter? A jellyfish
What's R. Kelly's favorite animal? The Jellyfish.
Would you rather kiss a shark or a jellyfish? A jellyfish. That’s a no-brainer.
What car does a jellyfish drive? Invertible
Fear the wrath!
Things that people who come to Australia are afraid of: Spiders, Scorpions, Snakes, Sharks, Crocs, Jellyfish, Octopus, Stone Fish, Feral Pigs, Giant bulls, Emus, and Kangaroos.
Things that Australians are afraid of: Magpies.
Why didn't the jellyfish fight the shark? Because he was spineless
The first guy to suggest peeing on a jellyfish sting was called a pervert but it worked I said to my wife as she complained of a toothache
You ever seen a jellyfish with eyes? I hope so! What else you gonna see them with?
What fish goes great with a peanut butter sandwich? A jellyfish.
What do you call a jellyfish on a racing boat? A stringy thingy in a dinghy.
Whenever someone mentions a Jellyfish, everyone says “What about a peanut butter fish?” Dumbasses forgot about the bread fish