My sister and I decided that we want to start our own businesses. She's going to open a furniture store called 'Sofa King' and I'm going to open a soup restaurant next door called 'Stew Pit'.
There was this company names "sofa king". But we didn't buy anything from them because... the prices were sofa king high.
Did you know George III never even bothered to leave his couch during the American Revolution? He was sofa king comfortable.
If King Awesome sat on a couch He'd be Sofa King Awesome.
What do you have when lounge chairs multiply?
- Baby Sitters.
Two chaise...
- that's Sofa King Funny!!
There used to be a superhero that could turn into furniture and wore a crown... He was sofa king cool.
What do you call the realm of the Lord of the Couches? Sofa Kingdom.
Did you hear that the ruler of couches died of dehydration? He was Sofa King hot.