Surfing Jokes

Funny Surfing Jokes
Score: 78

What's one of the worst things you could come across while surfing the web? Your keyboard.

Score: 30

Surfing is a form of torture Because technically it's water boarding.

Score: 3

What do you call a surfing Muslim extremist? Radical.

Score: 2

What did the couch surfing, yoga junkie say when his friend asked him to leave? Namaste.

Score: 2

What's the difference between Ireland and America? When we say waterboarding in Ireland it means surfing.

Score: 2

A man went surfing with his son A man went surfing with his son when his son said "dad can you use a surfboard instead?" His dad replies "you're right, I need a longer surfboard. Let's paddle in then go fetch your older brother."

Score: 2

How does a ghost go surfing? On a BOO-gie board.

Score: 2

Where do musical notes go surfing? On sound waves.

Score: 2

You are on the beach, you look in the distance and you see a rad-looking cow surfing on the waves. What does he say? Cowabunga!

Score: 2

What did the German animal doctor wear when he went surfing? A Vetsuit

Score: 2

History is never made by those .. Who use incognito mode for surfing internet.

Score: 1

Did you hear about the topologist who got in shape through surfing? It was totally cubular.

Score: 1

I was surfing when I accidentally swallowed a tide pod. I guess you could say I was on high tide while high on tide.

Score: 1

Instead of watching the news, my friend goes body surfing at the beach every morning. She says it keeps her abreast of current events.

Score: 1

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