Alcoholics Anonymous Jokes

How many members of Alcoholics Anonymous does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but the bulb has to want to change.

Score: 33

Why shouldn't you join Alcoholics Anonymous on Thanksgiving? Because all they serve is cold turkey.

Score: 8
Funny Alcoholics Anonymous Jokes
Score: 8

I’m working on my drinking problem. I joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I still drink, I just do it under a different name.

Score: 6

I would go to alcoholics anonymous But everyone already knows

Score: 5

I just joined alcoholics anonymous I still drink, just use a different name

Score: 3

I went to Alcoholics Anonymous and when I arrived... Nobody was anonymous, they were all friends, all brothers. So we went out to celebrate.

Score: 3

Well I finally solved my drinking problem, I joined Alcoholics Anonymous Yeah I still drink, I just use a different name, that's all

(Courtesy of Rodney Dangerfield on The Johnny Carson Show)

Score: 2

Why is it called Alcoholics ANONYMOUS when the first thing you do is stand up and say, 'My name is Peter and I am an alcoholic!

Score: 1

Told my Canadian friend my Alcoholics Anonymous teacher gave my homework an A "You got an AA A, eh?"

Score: 0

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