Archer Jokes

Funny Archer Jokes
Score: 62

Why didn't the Mexican archer fire his bow? He didn't habanero.

Score: 57

Two archers are sipping pints in a pub. The first archer says, "Did you see the new leathersmith? He's a beast of a man with eyes as black as night."

To which the second archer replies, "Aye, he makes me quiver".

Score: 51

What do you call an angry archer? A Cross Bowman

Score: 44

Obscure jokes are like ultra early archer rushes against diety AI in Civ III They usually fail miserably.

Score: 12

Why couldn't the Mexican archer shoot his bow? He didn't habanero

Score: 6

What the difference between an owl, and a good archer. A good archer shoots and hits.

Score: 6

Why didn't the Mexican archer fire his bow? He didn't habenARROW

Score: 5

Why did no one like the Archer Because he was too arrowgant!

Score: 4

Let's try this Why didn't the Mexican archer fire his bow

He didn't hab-an-arrow

Score: 4

Why can't you ever build a great relationship with an archer? Because at the end of they day they don't want any strings attached!

Score: 3

What do you call an archer that can't aim? Projectile Disfunction

Score: 3

Blood Types Watching 'Archer' and the topic of blood types came up. Conversation was as followed:

Friend: "Which blood type is the universal donor?"

Me: "O negative"

Friend: "Which is the universal receiver?"

Me: "Your mom."

*Hilarity ensued*

Score: 2

What do you call a single leg amputee archer? Legolas

Score: 2

I went to a stand-up gig of a guy named Archer. It was boring as all he had were nock nock jokes.

Score: 2

What do you call a paraplegic archer? Legolas.

Score: 1

Expert Archer Detected How do you know if someone's an expert archer?

Put an apple on your head & stand still; he'll Tell you.

Score: 1

I read the Archer's Handbook recently... "When it comes to arrows, quality is preferable to quantity. A well-made arrow goes a long way".

Score: 1

What do you call a latino horse archer? Genghis Juan

Score: 0

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