What is the integral of 1/cabin? You may have said log cabin. But just like I did on my calc 2 final, you forgot the “c”. It’s a houseboat.
I WAS at my y' = 0 of performance in calc Context: in university now. Can confirm. Am failing.
What did the abacus say to the adding machine? Calc you later!
Microsoft has developed a special version of the Halo 3 rendering engine which can run within LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets... It's called Halo3.**ods**t
my score on the ap calc ab test today
that’s the joke
ap testers rise up!
What does a calculator say before you close it? Calc you later!
What does a math teacher say when they leave? calc-U-LATER
What does an abacus say when it leaves? Calc-u-later