Why did Stalin only write in lowercase? Because he hated Capitalism
What do you get if you cross Islam and Capitalism? No more jokes about the profit.
Do Russians only write in lower case letters? I mean, they hate Capitalism.
What do you call it when a white person robs you? Capitalism.
Why do Communists only write in lowercase? Because they hate Capitalism.
My russian boyfriend only writes in lowercase letters... He doesn't like Capitalism
What happens when you cross Islam with Capitalism? No more jokes about the profit.
If I had a dollar for everything wrong with capitalism ... then I probably wouldn’t be complaining about capitalism.
Why does Bernie Sanders write in lowercase letters? Because he hates capitalism.
What do my girlfriend and ethical capitalism have in common? They don't exist
Why does Stalin only write in lower case? Because he hates capitalism
do commies write everything in lower case? you know beacause they hate capitalism
I bought a book on capitalism... but then returned it because some of the letters were in lower-case.
Why did the communist spell his name without an upper-case letter? Because he hated capitalism
Why do Communists Type in Lowercase Letters Because they are anti-capitalism
Why do Communists only write in lowercase? Because they believe capitalism is bad
What's the difference between Capitalism & Socialism?
With Capitalism, man exploits man.
And it's the opposite with Socialism.
Why do communists prefer to use only lowercase letter? Well, because they hate capitalism.
Capitalism has many problems but communism only has 3
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
Fidel Castro just passed away... ...I suppose Black Friday was too MUCH capitalism for him.
Socialism or Communism are the only path to evolution, and Capitalism is the root of all evil. > Sent from my iPhone 7
Why are hippies against capitalism? Because money doesn't grow on trees.
What's the difference between communism and capitalism? In the former, man exploits man, in the latter, it's exactly the opposite.
Capitalism jokes aren't funny unless the top 1% gets them
You know, capitalism can be pretty complicated But communism? Everyone gets it
What is the difference between Capitalism and Communism?
It's the order of events,
In Capitalism the dad goes missing and then kids report,
while in Communism kids report then dad goes missing.
Is there a difference between capitalism and communism? Yes, in principle. With capitalism, man exploits man. But with communism, it is precisely the opposite.
Under capitalism man exploits man... Under communism the reverse is true
A single bird can't destroy capitalism on his own But toucan
I can justify capitalism in three words or less. It sells itself.
What's the difference between Capitalism and Communism? In a capitalist society, man exploits man. In a communist society, it's the other way around.
What does the C in North Korea stand for? Capitalism