Chem Jokes

Funny Chem Jokes
Score: 68

Why did the military use acid? To neutralize the enemy base.

So how did that AP Chem test go?

Score: 8

This guy in my chem lab was so polite today . . . When I interrupted him to borrow his scale, he said that if it happens again, he will tare me a new one.

Score: 7

A joke my chem teacher told my class which his 6 year old son came up with What do only T-Rexes have?
T-Rex babies

Score: 6

I fell asleep in my chem class on atomic structure. It was too bohring.

Score: 5

Why did the chemist wear gloves to brush his teeth? His mouth was 4 molar

Post your favorite nerd chem jokes!

Score: 3

WANTED: Fun for Chemists (type jokes pls) I'd tell you a good chem joke but the best ones argon.

Score: 2

A Hurricane and a Divorce in Virginia I learned this joke from my chem teacher:

What do a hurricane and a divorce in Virginia have in common?

Screaming, crying, and somebody loses a trailer!

Score: 2

Why are compounds so cheap? Because they are free of charge.

Thought of this one while in chem class

Score: 2

How I know the World is NOT flat You can see the curve in a plane's chem trail as it approaches the horizon.

Score: 2

What's the definition of avocado's number The amount of particles in one guacamole.

Credit to my chem professor.

Score: 1

Did you know the government puts ground beef in the chem trails? That explains the meatier showers.

Score: 1

My chem exam just came back today I thought I did well. It was 24K golden. Pure "Au"ful.

Score: 1

Chem teacher Chemistry teacher asked the class if they'd ever heard of Amino acids.
My stoner buddy raises his hand and says "yeah if you drop too much of those you get amino headache!"

Score: 1

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