Contractor Jokes

How is the 85 year old Contractor that survived lung cancer doing? Asbestos he can.

I'm so sorry.

Score: 90

Did you hear The Pentagon was actually supposed to be an octagon? but they hired a government contractor that cut corners

Score: 79

I just found out the contractor that did my electrical work wasn't even licensed. Needless to say, I was shocked!

Score: 13

I, for one, am proud of Donald Trump for paying those hookers to pee on each other. He finally paid a contractor

Score: 11

Never hire a Himalayan contractor to work on your house... I did, and I came home to Himalayan with my wife.

Score: 9

An Indian restaurant hired a contractor to remodel their place... ...They specifically wanted a tan door.

Score: 5
Funny Contractor Jokes
Score: 4

What is the square root of Pai? "To access your calculator's premium features like sine, square and square root, and logarithm, please call to have a contractor install the software"

Score: 4

if a dog was a contractor, what would his specialty be? roofing

Score: 4

What was the under-appreciated, often-exploited kitchen contractor's complaint? I'm always taken for granite!

Score: 3

What did the cancerous contractor say to his apprentice? Avoid the insulation asbestos you can.

Score: 3

What do you call a protractor that's disagreeable...? A contractor.

Score: 3

I recently started remodeling my house and quickly got in over my head, so I decided to get some professional help. I also hired a contractor to work on my house.

Score: 2

What did the government say to the contractor who thought they won the bid but complained when they found out otherwise? Did you just assume my vendor?

Score: 2

What do you call an ex-criminal who solicits his services to farmers to plow their fields? A contractor

Score: 2

A contractor, a gymnast, and a machinist walk into a bar. Ouch.

Score: 2

I hired a contractor. He came to the house and made everything smaller.

Score: 2

My dad was a successful contractor. He frequently contracted chlamydia.

Score: 2

The Trump Administration releases the contractor hired to build the infamous wall Bill DeWall, Inc.

Score: 1

"What school did you go to?" asked the contractor. "Yale," the man replied.

"Good," said the contractor, pleased. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Yim Yonson."

Score: 1

What is the philosophy of every defense contractor? Cogito, ergo boom!

Score: 0

My girlfriend quit her job as a concrete contractor to become a sommelier. I'm not so sure about her career choices. She makes pour decisions.

Score: 0

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