Never get stuck behind The Devil in a line at the DMV. For The Devil can take many forms.
Trying to date someone that doesn't like you is like going to the DMV... get the run-around all day, get frustrated, and when they finally do call your number, you don't feel satisfied, you're just glad its over.
Some sea mammals sleep with half their brain in deep sleep and the other half wide awake This was developed as an evolutionary mechanism for survival, but biologists have documented a similar mechanism in workers at the DMV
What do mathematicians get at the DMV? A deriver’s license.
My computer's RAM isn't that great... ...but it still has faster processing than the DMV.
The pretty lady at the DMV urged me to sign up to be an organ donor. That's when I realized she was a girl after my own heart!
“Hi, I’d like to donate my organs”
Nurse: “You’ll have to go to the DMV for tha—“
Me: “No, I’m ready now”