Did you know that it’s wrong to breed eels with eagles? It’s eel-eagle.
What kind of eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie? That's a Moray.
How can you tell what kind of eel you're looking at? Well, if the moon hits it's eye like a big pizza pie, it's a moray.
Why can't an eel and an eagle team up? Because it would be eel-eagle!
Why can't you breed an eel with an eagle? Because it's eeleagle.
When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie.... That’s a moray
Why can't you breed a bird of prey with an eel? Because it's eeleagle.
When an eel bites your thigh... ...as you're just swimming by that's a moray.
When you're down by the sea and an eel bites your knee That's a moray.
An eel tried to propose to an eagle...
the eel asks the eagle
"We may look different but I think I love you. Will you marry me?"
"I'm sorry but I can't" says the eagle.
"Why not?" asks the eel.
The eagle replies with "Because that would be eel-eagle"
When you swim in the sea and an eel bites your knee, That's a moray.
When the moon hits your eye/like an eel in the sky That's a moray
When an eel strikes your heel and severe pain you feel... ... That's a moray.
When the moon hits your eye...
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie
that's amore.
When you swim in a creek and an eel bites your cheek
that's a moray.
Why was the eel upset with her report card? She wanted mor-ays.
When you're down 'neath the sea, and an eel bites your knee... That's a moray!
What did the Italian marine biologist say when asked to identify an eel?
That's a moray!
I'll see myself out...
What do you call a Jewish fish? Isra-eel.
An Eel asked an Eagle: do you know why we can't team up?
Eagle: No, why?
Eel: Because it would be EEL-Eagle!
I think that laziest animals must be the animals in the seas. There is Sawshark, Hammerheadshark, Electric eel. Still not a single one house completed.
What's Dean Martin's favorite eel? That's a moray.
Why can’t you breed an eel with an eagle? Cause it’s eelleagle.
When an eel bites your thigh at the beach (at low tide) That's a moray
That's the last time I eat seafood. It made me feel a bit...eel.
What happens when you eat too much seafood? You begin to feel a little eel.
If you met an eel in a top hat...
...that would be Sir Eel.
(say it out loud)
Why did the eel go to jail? He was gill-ty as charged.
What was FDR's most famous maritime obscenity law? The Nude Eel.
Did you know it's against the law to breed eels with eagles? It's eel-eagle.
Why is the interaction between an eagle and an eel is not possible? Because then it would be eel-eagle
Did you know it's wrong to breed eels and eagles It's eel-eagle
Why is the eel considered the most romantic animal? Because its a moray.
What do you get when you cross an octopus with an electric eel? A shocktopus.
An eel walks into a doctor’s office.
Doctor asks "what's the matter?"
"Doc, I'm feeling a little eel"
What Did Dean Martin Say When He Saw An Eel? That's a Moray!