Fat Person Jokes

Why should you never make fun of a fat person with a lisp? Because he's thick and tired of it

Score: 223
Funny Fat Person Jokes
Score: 96

If you are having trouble being the only fat person in your class... Just remember that Kim Jong-un is the only fat person in his country.

Score: 34

What do you call a fat person with a crystal ball? Four-chin teller

Score: 19

What does a fat person and hitler have in common? Neither of them can finish a race

Score: 18

What do you say when someone asks you to make a fat person leave? "Piece of cake."

Score: 16

What do you call a fat person that calls others fat A HIPPOcrit

Score: 16

They say inside every fat person is a skinny person trying to get out. But that's silly. Surely the skinny people aren't still alive after they eat them.

Score: 15

If you know a fat person, leave them alone They've already got a lot on their plate.

Score: 7

Why should you never bring a fat person to see a dramatic movie? They will ruin the suspension.

Score: 5

If you’re skinny but identify as a fat person... Would that make you a trans-fat?

Score: 5

What do you call it when a fat person gets an abortion? Lifosuction

Score: 5

What do you call a fat person who identifies as skinny? A trans-slender.

Score: 5

Who are a fat person's two best friends Ben and Jerry.

Score: 4

What do you call a fat person who judges hippos? Hippo-critical.

Score: 4

What do you call a fat person that is skilled in everything? A well rounded person

Score: 4

What does a waiter say to a fat person when it takes a long time to bring out the fat person's food? Sorry about your weight

Score: 3

Fat persons three favorite countries!?? Turkey, Hungary, & Greece :D

Score: 3

Inside every fat person theres a thin person trying to get out. but outside every fat person theres a pizza waiting to get in.

Score: 3

A fat person walks in the street He sees a thin person and says: when I see you, I always think there’s hungry in your country. The thin person replies: and when I see you, I think it’s your fault!

Score: 3

How do you get a fat person into bed? Piece of cake

Score: 3

A feminist, a fat person and a Hitler walk into a bar... Feminism is bad.

Score: 2

What is the first thing a fat person does on a website Accept cookies

Score: 2

How do you know when a fat person is pregnant? When they start eating for 4 instead of 2

Score: 2

It's very easy to distract a fat person.... ....it's a piece of cake!!!

Source: Jimmy Carr

Score: 2

Before judging a fat person, try walking a mile... around their waistline. If you're still not at the beginning point, go ahead and laugh at them.

Score: 2

What does a fat person order at McDonalds? The usual.

Score: 1

What do you call a fat person with hemophilia? Diableedes

Score: 1

Don't make fun of a fat person with a lisp... ...they're probably thick and tired of it.

Score: 1

What does a fat person, a match, and a phone have in common? Cellulite.

Score: 1

What's the difference between a fit and a fat person? One does exercises and the other wears extra-sizes.

Score: 1

How do you get a fat person into bed with you? Its a piece of cake.

Score: 1

What does Gloria Gaynor say to insult a fat person? "Saw your back from outer space!"

Score: 1

How do you greet a fat person in Germany? Gluten tag!

Score: 0

What's the difference between Stanley Kubrick and a fat person? Most fat people didn't make The Shining.

Score: 0

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