9/11 Jokes


Funniest 9/11 Jokes

Without the Arabs we wouldn’t have 9/11. We would have IX/XI instead

Score: 21382
Funny 9/11 Jokes
Score: 14777

Without the Arabs we wouldn't have 9/11. It would be IX/XI.

edit: Wow, I came back and this really blew up!

Score: 13757

Without Arabians, 9/11 wouldn't exist. It would be IX/XI instead.

Score: 9850

9/11 was a national tragedy. So is 11/9.

Score: 1528

Why are 9/11 victims the best readers? They can go through 94 stories in seconds!

Edit: Please don't hurt me.

Score: 902

What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow? You don't milk a cow for 10 years

Score: 873

Proof that 9/11 wasn't a government plot: It worked.

Score: 678

If it wasn't for Muslims, we wouldn't have had 9/11... It would have been IX/XI.

Score: 586

why is everyone posting about 9/11? It's still 2 months away.

Score: 577

People should really stop making jokes about major tragedies. My Dad died on 9/11... He was the best pilot in Saudi Arabia...

Score: 497

9/11 jokes are terrible. The other 2/11, however, are hilarious.

Score: 482

What is the difference between 9/11 and a professional gardener? One is an outside job

Score: 447

My girlfriend dumped me on 9/11. That's one way of making sure I'll never forget.

^^^This ^^^isn't ^^^a ^^^joke, ^^^I'm ^^^actually ^^^broken ^^^inside.

Score: 363

What is the difference between 9/11 and landscaping? Landscaping is an outside job.

Score: 345

9/11 Jokes aren't funny. The other 2 however, are hilarious!

Score: 295

9/11 Threesome. When twins go down on you.

Score: 277

Why did the number 10 die? It was in the middle of 9/11

Score: 224

Who are the fastest readers in the world? 9/11 victims because they went through 104 stories in just a few seconds

Score: 214

9/11 jokes aren't funny. The other two are, though.

Score: 194

What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow? You stop milking a cow after 10 years.

Score: 162

Which type of people are the world's fastest readers [DARK HUMOUR] 9/11 victims. They went through more than 50 stories in 10 seconds.

Score: 155

9/11 jokes are not funny guys.. The other 2, however, are hilarious!!

Score: 136

Without the Arabs, we wouldn't have 9/11 We would have IX/XI instead

Score: 133

How do we know 9/11 wasn't a government plot? Because it worked.

Score: 131

Knock Knock Whose there?


9/11 who?

I thought you said you would never forget.

Score: 124

If 9/11 had happened in July... 7/11's brand name would have crumbled faster than the Twin Towers.

Score: 108

Without the Arabs, we would have never had 9/11. We would have had IX/XI.

Score: 98

what's the difference between a cow and 9/11? you can't milk a cow for 14 years

Score: 88

I want to start an interior design company, I'm going to call it 9/11 because it's an inside job.

Score: 86

I want to remind everyone today that 9/11 jokes aren't funny... ...only 2/11 are.

Score: 82

My father died on 9/11, I will never forget his last words Allahu Akbar.

[Do keep in mind that this is not my joke, I just want to spread laughs]

Score: 76

Today is the rest of the world's 9/11 No, seriously, look up the calendar.

Score: 75

Why are 9/11 victims great readers? They can go through 90 stories in 10 seconds

Score: 68

Why did only a few people laugh when Bush made a 9/11 joke? Because it was an inside joke

Score: 59

What's the difference between 9/11 and your birth? One was planned.

Score: 53

Who are the worlds fastest readers? 9/11 victims. They blew through 87 stories in 10 seconds

Score: 46

The iPhone 8/10 unveiling was pretty great But the 9/11 announcement will be pretty awkward and unforgettable next year

Score: 33

I'm a Sikh and tired of being called a Muslim. We're the 7-ELEVEN guys not the 9/11 guys.

Score: 28

9/11 victims are the fastest readers. They went through 80 stories in 10 seconds!

Score: 26

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New 9/11 Jokes

I wanted to tell a 9/11 joke but they said it was too soon. The funny part is a lot of the victims probably said the same thing.

Score: 1

I dont make jokes about 9/11 They all tend to crash and burn

Score: 2

People shouldn't joke about 9/11 it's a sensitive subject to people who lost their loved ones including me, i lost my uncle... He was the best pilot Saudi Arabia ever had.

Score: 3

As a European I will never understand the big deal about “9/11”. I mean what exactly happened on the 9th of November that was so memorable?

Score: 2

Why are 9/11 survivors the best storytellers? Because they went through 150 stories in 3 seconds

Score: 16

I hate when people creat humor from 9/11 My father died on that day. He was the best pilot in Saudi Arabia.

Score: 0

Only appropriate 9/11 joke I know “Knock knock”

“Who’s there?”


“9/11 who?”


Score: 3

Why was 9/11 one of the worst episodes in American History? It was the pilot

Score: 7

Please stop making 9/11 jokes... my father died on that day. I still remember his last words: "Allahu Akbar"

Score: 11

There is Nothing Funny About 9/11 Jokes They are Just Plane Wrong

Score: 8

What's more horrific than 9/11 for an Italian ? 7/11 pizza ...

Score: 1

9/11 jokes aren't funny but the other 2/11 are.

Score: 17

9/11 couldn’t have been an inside job because Because the planes came from the outside

Score: 1

Without the Arabs we wouldn't have 9/11 It'd be IX/XI

Score: 7

What is the difference between a cow and 9/11 You cant milk a cow for 16 years

Score: 4

What's the difference between a cow and 9/11? You can't milk a cow for 16 years straight.

Score: 2

9/11 was too main-stream for hippies That's why they never forget the Alamo.

Score: 1

Why is 10 scared? Because it's in the middle of 9/11

Score: 20

My grand-dad died in 9/11 He was the best pilot in Saudi-Arabia.

Score: 5

9/11 jokes are so unfunny Its plane and simple

Score: 1

If 9/11 was a inside job what was 7/11? A part time job

Score: 17

Don't make 9/11 jokes please They're just plane wrong

Score: 7

You can't make fun of 9/11 That's just plane wrong

Score: 2

Whats the difference between 9/11 and a cow? You should stop milking the cow after 15 years.

Score: 11

A Tasteful 9/11 Joke is Possible! Knock Knock!

Who's there?


9/11 Who?

You said you'd never forget!

Score: 7

9/11 Jokes Are Not Funny They're just plane wrong!

Score: 2

9/11 jokes... ....are just plane wrong and so are jokes about handicapped people. I just can't stand them.

Score: 1

9/11 victims are the fastest readers They went through 90 stories in 10 seconds.

Score: 11

My brother is a 9/11 truther, a flat earther, and a Soundcloud rapper. No, really.

Score: 3

We may never know if 9/11 was an inside job… … but we definitely know that 7-11 is a part time job.

Score: 9

9/11 jokes are not very funny. But the other 2/11? They're the best.

Score: 3

No one understands 9/11 jokes Because they're all inside jokes

Score: 3

Why were the twin towers mad on 9/11? Because they ordered pepperoni but all the got was plane.

Score: 8

From my observations I've noticed that many jokes about 9/11... ...tend to be inside jokes.

Score: 5

Why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers ever? They can go through 88 stories in 7 seconds.

Score: 4

The problem with 9/11 jokes is that they never seem to land.

Score: 15

Who are the fastest story readers in history? 9/11 victims because they went through hundreds of stories in a few seconds.

Score: 6

Events like 9/11 don't grow on trees They grow on Bushes

Score: 14

Who are the worlds fastest readers? 9/11 victims. They went through over 80 stories in 2 seconds

Score: 4

Everyone makes 9/11 jokes. I think they are just plane wrong, honestly.

Score: 3

9/11 jokes aren't funny And 2/11 jokes are just plane stupid

Score: 2

Whenever you hear someone say... ...Bush did 9/11. Simply tell them "Don't JUMP to conclusions."

Thanks /u/Hammi1

Score: 4

Why did 9/11 happen? Because someone ordered a pepperoni pizza but got plain instead.

Score: 2

Roses are red 9/11 was an inside job

Score: 5

Why 10 wasn't invited to the number party? 9/11 conspiracy.

Score: 7

I lost both of my parents on 9/11... I found them later back at the house, but it was a harrowing 20 minutes.

Score: 3

What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow? You can't milk a cow for 17 years.

Score: 1

When aliens don't understand 9/11 comedy... We should say:

'Its fine. It was an inside-joke.'

Score: 3

On 9/11, one of the worst things in American history occured... Condolences from the UK on Trump winning the election.

Score: 4

Some people say that 9/11 was America's darkest hour but they got it backwards, 11/9

Score: 3

Why was 9/11 the worst day in American history? Because on the 9th November Donald Trump was elected president

Score: 2

9/11 Jokes Aren't Funny... they are just plane wrong.

Score: 2

A 9/11 widow, a black slave, a jew who survived Auschwitz and a clairvoyant walk in to the Challenger Spacecraft "I don't like where this joke is going" says the clairvoyant

Score: 3

9/11 gave rise to "Truthers", Obama gave rise to "Birthers", so... ... would a movement to determine whether Hillary Clinton actually carries hot sauce in her purse be called "Saucers"?

Score: 1

What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow? Bush didn't do a cow.

Score: 1

Two Germans are talking about 9/11.... One said : How much terroristen died zat dey? Twelve? The other replied : "Nein, Eleven."

Score: 4

I always use 09/11 as my pass code... ... so I'll "never forget."

Score: 3

They made a TV series about 9/11 But it didn't get past the pilot

Score: 4

I still remember the last thing my dad said to me before dying in the 9/11 attacks... Allahu Akbar!

Score: 2

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