White People Jokes


Funniest White People Jokes

My Chinese waiter thinks all white people look alike and gave my food to the wrong customer Wait. Never mind. That wasn't my waiter.

Score: 19827

White people don't shoot each other in the streets like black people do. We do it in schools, because we have class.

Score: 17848

White people are always annoyed that only black people can say the n word, but white people have some phrases only they can say too Things like “Hi Dad!” and “Thanks for the warning, officer.”

Score: 17572
Funny White People Jokes
Score: 10537

White people don't shoot each other in the streets like black people do... We shoot each other in school because we have class

Score: 4319

Racist jokes are like white people. They are the best.

Score: 3529

White people don't shoot each other in the streets like black people do... We shoot each other in schools, because we have class.

Score: 2188

Black people are allowed to say the n-word while white people can't. But white people can say things that black people can't. Like, "Thanks for the
warning officer," and "Hi dad."

Score: 730

White people don't shoot each others on the streets like Black people do. They do it in schools, because they have class.

Score: 481

Sure, white people cant say they "N" word but atleast we can say phrases like " thanks for the warning, officer" and "hey dad"

Score: 433

Why do white people own so many pets? Because we’re not allowed to own people anymore.

Score: 204

What do call a bunch of white people on a bench? The NBA

Score: 198

I hate it when they say, "white people can't dance"... Like Hello? We had the king of pop himself micheal Jackson.

Score: 169

Why do white people own so many pets? Because they're not allowed to own people anymore.

Score: 145

Curiosity killed the... ...white people in horror movies.

Score: 133

Why Aren't There Riots When White People Get Killed? Because white people have work in the morning.

Score: 126

Sure white people can't say the n-word. But at least we can say things like "Hey, Dad" or "Thanks for the warning, Officer."

Score: 95

White people don’t shoot each other in the streets like black people do. We do it in schools, because we have class.

Score: 80

What do you call a bench full of white people? The NBA.

Score: 72

Black people shoot each other in the streets White people shoot each other in school, because we got class

Score: 72

What do you call white people sitting on a bench The nba

Score: 61

Why are white people the scariest in prison? Because you know they're guilty.

Score: 59

What do you call a bunch of white people on a bench? The NBA

Score: 40

How many white people can you fit in a can? Crackers don't come in cans, they come in boxes!

Score: 30

What do you call 64 white people in a room? One full blooded Cherokee

Score: 28

Why do white people own so many pets? Because we are not allowed to own people anymore.

Score: 26

What do you call a party with no white people? Crackalackin'

Score: 25

What do you call a bench full of white people? NBA

Score: 24

Some white people are so upset at black panther Chill, You guys have pink panther

Score: 22

What do you call white people on a bench? The NBA

Score: 21

Hows come white people have so many pets? My bIack friend: "How come white people have so many pets?"
Me: "Cause we can't own people anymore"

Score: 20

Sure, white people can't say the "n word" But at least we can say phases like "thanks for the warning officer" and "hey dad."

Score: 19

Why is Chick-fil-a so successful? They figured out how to sell fried chicken to white people.

Score: 17

Whats a word that white people can call white people but black people cannot call black people? Dad.

Score: 16

What is the number one thing white people cook better than any other race? Meth.

Score: 12

An Asian lady walks into a bank She is trying to exchange yen for sterling.

She rants at the cashier " yesterday I get 200 pounds for 1 yen, today I only get 180, why is this? ".

The cashier replies " fluctuations ",

the lady replies " fluck you white people too".

Score: 9

What do you call white people pushing a car up a hill? White power.

What do you call asian people pushing a car up a hill?
Asian power.

What do you call mexicans pushing a car up a hill?
Grand theft auto.

Score: 8

White people don't shoot people in the streets like black people do... We do it schools, because we have class.

Score: 5

Black people say they own the N-word and white people cant say it, but whites created it Yet another example of theft committed by blacks

Score: 5

Everybody is talking about how bad white people are now, but I think they should be praised for a super important thing. A white man killed Hitler.

Score: 3

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New White People Jokes

When do white people meet? Caucasionally.

Score: 0

People say that I'm racist because I think white people should get harsher setences for drug trafficking But that's just because they're appropriating of the Latino culture.

Score: 0

The real tragedy of this mosque shooting in NZ Thoughts and prayers to all the innocent white people who will be blamed for the actions of a single individual, an individual not inspired by mainstream religion followed by 1.7 billion people

Score: 1

Why can't white people go outside in the sun? Because of the anxiety caused by their shadows being Black

Score: 2

What do you call a place full of white people? Starbucks.

Score: 2

Everything is a choice. Black people can choose to get offended by black slurs,Asian people can choose to get offended by Asian slurs,White people can choose to get offended by black slurs.

Score: 1

Why are there so many white people up north? You gotta keep mayo refrigerated.

Score: 1

Why does everyone think white people can't jump? The 9-11 footage showed they know how to.

Score: 2

Have you heard of 'Dear White People'? I think that Netflix should make a 'Dear Islamic Extremists' show. That show would blow up.

Score: 2

What do Black and White people have in common? Both cry when they see a man in white robes.

Score: 2

White people didn't shoot people in the streets like black people do... We do it in school, cause we got class.

Score: 1

Some stereo types exist for a reason... Like Low-Fi for those who can't afford nice equipment, or Hi-Fi for white people.

Score: 3

Racism It's the only thing white people won't take credit for

Score: 2

I got kicked out of KKK for being too racist I told them white people can't season their food

Score: 3

What are the two biggest differences between black people and white people? Black people have more trouble getting their DRV of vitamin D and white people are quicker to sunburn. What were you thinking?

Score: 2

It makes sense that tumblr is against whites with dreadlocks After all, these are the *dreaded* white people they're always talking about.

Score: 3

Its terrible how so few black people get nominated for an Oscar It's so sad they're not as talented as white people.

Score: 3

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