I told my son he couldn't get a fidget spinner because his dad and I have tried so hard to make sure he didn't become autistic... Unfortunately he died of measles a couple days ago
Fidget spinners are useless Says the generation that bought 1.5 million pet rocks.
If you're ever in a hurry... Put your fidget spinner on your dash, then just use the handicapped parking.
What do you call Michael J. Fox spinning around in a chair? A fidget spinner
I used to date a hot 95 pound gymnast with ADD I just realized she may be the best fidget spinner I'll ever get to play with...
Little kids are like fidget spinners
They're overhyped.
Oh yeah and they spin easier when you stick something metal through them.
How do you tell your friend that you think his kids are stupid? Buy them a fidget spinner.
News: British man who built world's largest Rubik's cube builds world's largest fidget spinner. He then went home to the world's emptiest bed.
What do you call a person afflicted with cerebral palsy that likes riding on merry-go-rounds? A Fidget Spinner.
What do you call a fat midget on a merry go round? A fidget spinner
Doctors have recently discovered an infectious form of cancer. It's commonly known by the name "fidget spinner app"
Life is like a fidget spinner Just spins endlessly without anything fun happening
Fidget spinners were a warning For all these hurricanes!
What do you call a little person with ADHD in a washing machine? Midget fidget spinner
Teacher: you cant be here this is a special eds class
Kid: *takes out fidget spinner*
Teacher: carry on
What do you call Michael J. Fox on a merry-go-round? A fidget spinner.
What do you call a street hooker with cerebal palsy? A fidget spinner!