Geeky Jokes

A geeky joke: An SQL Query walks into a bar... ... and joins two tables.

Score: 111
Funny Geeky Jokes
Score: 25

Did you hear about that geeky trigonometry expert? The only angle lacking in his life was secs.

Score: 12

Geeky trigonometry joke my dad used to tell me What sound does a horse make while walking?
*Clop, clop.*

What sound does a horse make while walking uphill?
*Clop, clop* multiplied by the cosine of the slope angle.

Score: 10

An old limerick for the geeky crowd. A Unix salesperson named Lenore

Liked her job, but loved the beach more

She devised such a way

To mix work and play

She sells C-shells by the seashore

Score: 2

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