Greek Mythology Jokes

My poor knowledge of Greek mythology... ...has always been my Achilles' elbow.

Score: 2319
Funny Greek Mythology Jokes
Score: 1407

I passed all my courses except for Greek mythology. It has always been my Achilles’ elbow.

Score: 587

When I left school, I passed every one of my exams with the exception of Greek Mythology. It always was my achilles elbow.

Score: 584

My lack of knowledge of greek mythology is my one weakness. It's my Achilles elbow.

Score: 480

My poor knowledge of Greek mythology Has been my Achilles elbow

Score: 208

My poor knowledge of Greek mythology... Has always been my Achilles’ Elbow.

Score: 125

People say I'm not good with Greek Mythology... I guess that it's my Achilles wrist.

Score: 48

My complete lack of knowledge about Greek mythology has always been my achilles elbow. thanks, Mike!

Score: 21

Pub Quiz I did terribly in the Greek Mythology section of the Pub Quiz last night. You could say it's my Achilles Wrist.

Score: 19

If you don't know a lot of creatures in Greek Mythology... I'll give you a mini-tour

Score: 8

Knowledge of the greek mythology was always.... achilles elbow

Score: 7

In Greek mythology, Chiron was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine One could even call him the Centaur for Disease Control.

He was a big believer in herd immunity.

Score: 4

I read about this figure from Greek Mythology, Chiron. He trained many heroes apparently, and was also a doctor. Ergo he was a Centaur for disease control.

Score: 4

According to Greek Mythology, Chiron was a half horse, half human doctor. This made him the Centaur for Disease Control.

Score: 4

I've always wanted to improve my knowledge of Greek Mythology.... It's been my achilles elbow for quite some time.

Score: 3

My Favorite Character From Greek Mythology is the Crazy Brother of Hercules... ... Testiclees.

He was nuts.

Score: 3

I'm bad at Greek mythology. It's my Achilles' elbow

Score: 3

I've never been good when it comes to Greek mythology. It truly is my Achille's elbow.

Score: 2

The Greek Mythology course I'm taking is totally ruining my G.P.A. I guess you could call it my Achilles' aorta.

Score: 2

I almost had a 4.0 at University. It turns out that Greek mythology was my Achilles elbow.

Score: 2

Why are annoying high school girls obsessed with Greek mythology? Because they have Arachne

Score: 1

Greek Mythology I suck at Greek mythology, it has always been my Achille's elbow on Trivia nights

Score: 1

The other day, I was told "you cant make a British joke about Greek mythology" I told him "Pollux to that"

Score: 0

My lack of knowledge in Greek mythology has always been my Achilles elbow

Score: 0

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