I Miss You Jokes

Guess who woke up to 32 missed calls from their ex? My ex.

Stephanie, I miss you, please come back to me

Score: 2054

It's with a heavy heart that I give a shout-out to my dad who couldn't be with us to see Endgame tonight. I miss you with all my heart. Maybe pre-order your tickets on time next time, moron.

Score: 72
Funny I Miss You Jokes
Score: 26

I haven't seen my son in months One day a boy come home looking exactly like him but he said he was hungry. Son I don't know who this hungry guy is but I miss you, please come home. -Dad

Score: 8

Me: You wanna hang out later? / Her: Sorry, I don’t talk to guys under 6’ Me: Please Mom? I miss you

Score: 4

When i'm bored in Lockdown i just send flowers with An "i miss you" card to my neighbour John. Then i go to the balcony with a drink and listen to his wife.

Score: 3

My girlfriend dumped me because I said the wrong name in bed... I miss you so much Yanny

Score: 2

What did the Anti-Vaxxer tell her son before the school-day started? I miss you.

Score: 1

I saw a wino eating a bunch of grapes I said "You gotta wait!"

I miss you Mitch Hedberg

Score: 1

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