Mathematical Jokes

I like my women like I like my mathematical constants. Round and irrational.

Happy Pi Day everyone!

Score: 3112

All the mathematical functions went to a party... There they saw the exponential function sitting by himself

They poked him, "c'mon man, join the party"

To which he replied, "it's not my fault, eveytime I try to integrate, I just end up with myself"

Score: 112
Funny Mathematical Jokes
Score: 43

What mathematical operation is used to calculate the rate at which lumberjacks cut wood? Logger-rhythms.

Score: 40

A mathematical limerick A dozen, a gross, and a score

Plus three times the square root of four

Divided by seven

Plus five times eleven

Is nine squared and not a bit more.

Score: 27

What is ISIS's favorite mathematical operation? Square Root.
Anything it is applied to becomes radicalized.

Score: 27

How do you induce a current in a wire by counting to 10? By mathematical induction.

Score: 22

What do you call a mathematical function with too many powers? An exponential crisis.

Score: 13

What do you call four rats on a mathematical equation? A quadratic equation :)

Score: 12

I met a Japanese mathematician yesterday Japanese Mathematician: "Acknowledge my presence, zero"

Me: "Can you elaborate in mathematical terms?"

Japanese Mathematician: "Notice me sin(pi)"

Score: 10

I've been reading a book about the shape of the mathematical functions of sine and cosine... It has its ups and downs...

Score: 9

What’s the most mathematical aspect of summer? The tan lines

Score: 9

I've solved every single mathematical problem! I have nothing more to add

Score: 8

Best Secretary A businessman was confused about a bill he had received, so he asked his secretary for some mathematical help. "If I gave you $1,500 minus 3%, how much would you take off?"

The secretary replied, "Everything but my earrings."

Score: 7

I watched a documentary on mathematical functions last night, but was really disappointed. The plot line was predictable. The special f(x) was awful too.

Score: 7

What is a stoner's favorite mathematical term/status? Hypotenuse.

Score: 5

Who is the rudest person in my mathematical family? Aunt Sally

Score: 3

What are Muslim men's favorite mathematical equation? Inequalities

Score: 3

I have a mathematical joke but I'm 2² to say it

Score: 3

I made a mathematical joke back in the day They gave it a bad oπnion

Score: 3

'I Love You' is a mathematical function 'I Love You' is a mathematical function where,

'I Love' - is constant and ;
'You' - is a variable..

Score: 2

A mathematical joke of mathematical-ness **Why can't Atheists solve exponential equations?**

Cause they don't believe in a higher power.

Score: 2

I hate mathematical formulas. They’re deriving me crazy.

Score: 2

Did you hear about the mathematical vandals? They cover the walls in graph-iti.

Score: 2

1+8T 5G Is it a phone or mathematical equation?

Score: 2

World's shortest mathematical joke Let ε ≤ 0

Score: 1

If there was a mathematical equation to describe social justice warriors... It would be a really nice log.

An ideal log.

Score: 1

What is a Hitman's favorite Mathematical Field? *Trigger*nometry

Score: 1

Maths Teacher Was Teaching Mathematical Conversions.... Teacher-If 1000 Kgs= Ton.

For 3000 Kgs =How Much?

Student - Ton!Ton!Ton!

Score: 1

A mathematical confession u times r over the cos of C.

Score: 1

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