Michigan Jokes

9 out of 10 doctors reccommend for children to drink water instead of soda that 1 doctor lives in flint michigan

Score: 2463

What do you get when you put jelly into Flint, Michigan's water supply? Pb & J.

Score: 686
Funny Michigan Jokes
Score: 566

TIL that 9/10 Doctors agree , drinking water is good for children The tenth doctor lives in Flint, Michigan.

EDIT: calm down /u/Andimbacksucker

Score: 153

Nine out of ten doctors suggest you drink water instead of soda. The one that doesn't lives in Flint, Michigan.

Score: 92

Why Won't Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Take Any Flint Tap Water With Him Overseas In Order To Stick To His Promise That He'd Drink It For A Full Month...? Because he can't get it through the airport metal detectors.

Score: 88

Today I set my location on Tinder to Flint, Michigan Because I bet those girls are pretty thirsty.

Score: 71

In Flint, Michigan, students have no difficulty learning A — G and P — Z. The problem’s H to O.

Score: 56

What's the difference between water and gasoline? In Flint Michigan you can get gasoline that is unleaded.

Score: 37

Why do the best swimmers come from Flint, Michigan? Because they're always in the lead.

Score: 15

Kid Rock announced he won't be running for the Republican Michigan Senate nomination . This come as a great relief to Democratic challenger Kid Scissors.

Score: 10

Today I set my location on Tinder to Flint, Michigan I heard the girls are hella thirsty

Score: 9

How do you get a Michigan girl into an elevator? How do you get a Michigan girl into an elevator?
Grease her hips, and throw in a Twinkie.

Score: 9

Two scientists walk into a bar. One asks for H2O, and the other asks for H2O too. They both die because the bar was in Flint, Michigan

Score: 9

Michigan is leading in rates of both marital infidelity and depression. It's a sad state of affairs.

Score: 8

Q: What is printed on the bottom of a bottle in Michigan? (Found on /r/linux) A: Open the other end

Score: 7

I think it's kinda funny people named their kids after US states… Y'know, names like Carolina, Georgia, Dakota, Virginia, etc. When I have a kid, I'm gonna name him Michigan, just in case some guy named Mitch reincarnates into him.

Score: 7

After his recent conviction for rape, two schools stripped their honorary PhD's from Bill Cosby... It's ok though, Michigan State just gave him another one.

Score: 7

What do you call on-again off-again snow in Michigan? Inter-mitten.

Score: 6

Did you hear about the guy who wanted to be reincarnated as a stud? He woke up on a snow tire in Michigan.

Score: 6

What does Michigan State football and Marijuana have in common? They are both green and get smoked in bowls!

Score: 5

What does the W in Flint, Michigan stand for? Water

Score: 5

A thirsty man from Michigan went to California to find something to drink Because no water is better than Michigan water.

Score: 4

What do Kurt Cobain and Flint, Michigan have in common? They both overdosed on lead.

Score: 4

Here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula we have a program for recovering Canadians. It's called Eh Eh.

Score: 4

If your name is Fred and you live in Flint Michigan and you're about to smoke a bowl.... ...does that mean you're freddy to get flint-stoned

Score: 4

Michigan summers are amazing.... It was on a Wednesday last year.

Score: 4

Why are people from Michigan such big fans of the Lion King? They get to see lions winning for a change.

Score: 4

We should split Michigan into two states Mich and Mich Again.

Score: 4

Can Bernie Sanders recover? From his devastating win in Michigan?

Score: 3

How did heavy metal ruin Michigan? By contaminating the groundwater

Score: 2

Have you heard about the Flint, Michigan football team? Their lead is unstoppable!

Score: 2

A huge surprise of the indictment of the Energizer Bunny in Michigan! He was charged with Battery

Score: 2

I tried talking about Flint, Michigan But it was a hard pill to swallow.

Score: 2

What does Flynt Michigan, and Red Dead Redemption 2 have in common? Blackwater.

Score: 1

What's the difference between lake Michigan and a white supremacist? One is not a sea and the other one is a not-sea.

Score: 1

Quick test to see if your stripper is from northern Michigan See how she pronounces 'pasties'

Score: 1

Did you hear about the hipster who was found frozen in a block of ice on Lake Michigan? He was into water before it was cool.

Score: 1

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