Man, if you thought No Nut November was bad... Wait until No Net December.
What's worse than no nut November?
No net December.
Defend net neutrality.
I am really glad that No Nut November is over. A whole month without cashews was rough.
First we had No Nut November.... Now we have No Net December.
What happens when you fail at No Nut November? Nuttin'.
I fed this kid peanut and he almost died. I guess some people take No Nut November way too seriously.
Little known fact, you can actually nut during No Nut November You just can't let anyone cashew
Who will survive no nut november the longest? The people with a severe nut allergy
Why is it difficult to follow no nut November ? Well, it gets increasingly 'hard' as the days pass by.
I hate that it's already no nut November I'm going to have to jack it a whole lot to keep my mind off of cashews...
I've heard Dunkin Donuts is going to be the official sponsor of no nut November. Their name will be Dunkin Nonuts for a month.
You may have heard of No Nut November But after I came twice in April what I’m really hoping for is a No Fetus February
Hey guys it’s no nut November... Which sucks cuz thanksgiving is the only time I see my cousins.
I've already failed No Nut November I failed the first time at 1:37am, and the second time at 1:11am.
Those of you who aint doing the No Nut November Challenge this year, you lack self control and discipline You are nuttin
Day 26 of no nut November I've already mastered time travel.
I always walk a lot slower during No Nut November... I guess I'm over enCUMbered
I’m trying to participate in No Nut November but do almonds count? ‘Cause I came into a handful of almonds.
What comes after “No Nut November”? “Deflated Dicks December”
I guess some people take No Nut November too seriously. I feed this kid peanuts and he almost died!
No Nut November challenge is not gonna be a problem at all It’s not hard at my age
America failed No Nut November, This election featured the two biggest nuts in recent US history.
No Nut November is easy Thats why I didn't do it
No nut November is just around the corner.
It may be hard for some guys but I found it very easy.
I gave up 30 times last year.
No Nut November Failed it this morning ate a bag of Cashews.......
I've being doing No Nut November my whole life I know why other people find it hard though, I'm allergic to all nuts anyway.
Due to pandemic, we need to cancel No Nut November. And go for No Nut Forever.
Failed 'No Nut November's already... No one told me the dessert had pecans in it!
One song that sums up my time during No Nut November Still Beating by Mac DeMarco
No nut November. This no nut November is so easy. I have given up nine times this month already....
So a couple months back I had to watch a holocaust documentary for history class Guess how I failed no nut november
For men, Halloween isn't the scary times. But No Nut November is.