Pink Panther's TODO list
I'd like to go see Black Panther in the theater... But I'd also like to hear it too.
The Pink Panther's To Do list
- To do
- To do
- To do, to do, to do, to do, to doooo
Pink Panther’s to do list
- To do
- To do
- To do, to do, to do, to do, to dooooo
In Black Panther, when she said "what are those", I cringed a little bit... I mean, Wakanda joke is that?
The Pink Panther's to do list: To do - to do - to do, to do, to do, to do, to dooooo.
If Black Panther and Storm had kids, what would they be called? Thunder Cats.
I'm gonna dress up as Forest Gump tonight and go to the movies and make a a scene. Then I will have to apologize for ruining their Black Panther party
Pink Panther's to do list:
to do,
to do,
to do, to do, to do,
to do, to dooooo!
Just saw the Black Panther movie 3/5 would recommend.
"What's The Pink Panther's favourite type of jacket?"
"No idea."
"Denim denim denim denim denim..."
What does Black Panther like to do on vacation? Wakanda beach.
I got kicked out of my aunt's funeral for singing a song... It was the Pink Panther theme. Dead aunt, dead aunt, dead aunt dead aunt dead aunt...
What did Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant? Dead Ant, Dead Ant....Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant...
Some white people are so upset at black panther Chill, You guys have pink panther
The only two white actors in Black Panther are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis, who played Gollum. They’re the Tolkien white guys.
The guy that played Killmonger in Black Panther is great He's the Michael Jordan of acting.
What did the pink panther have all over his house after he fumigated for insects? dead ants... dead ants... dead ants, dead ants, dead ants, dead ants, dead aaaaantsss
I was ordering food for the cast of Black Panther. I asked if they liked pizza. They said, “It depends. Wakanda pizza?”
no condoms forever or whatever black panther said
A black guy at the cinema told me (a white guy) I wasn't allowed to watch Black Panther. Apparently I have to "buy" a "ticket"
My favorite knock-knock joke ever.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Panther who?
Panther no panth, I'm goin' thwimmin!
The Pink Panther made a list of things he had to do, and it was called... To do, to do, to do to do to do, to do, to dooooooo...
What do you call a Jewish bread that the Black Panther bakes for Thor's party? T'calla's challah for the Val'Halla gala.
What do you get when Black Panther brings Jewish bread to Thor's party? T'Challa challah at the Valhalla gala.
What does black panther use as protection? Wakondoms
When the Pink Panther stepped on an ant, what song did they play? Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant......
What did the Pink Panther write down on his itinerary?
To do
To do
To do
To do
To do doo doo doo
What does Black Panther say when he sees something dumb? Wakanda nonsense is this?
Pink Panther's to-do list
1. To-do
2. To-do
3. To-do to-do to-do
4. To-do to-dooooo
5. To-doodoodoodoo
Knock knock. Who's there? Panther. Panther who?
Your "pan-ther" falling down.
So sorry, good night.
What is on the Pink Panther's to-do list? To-do, to-do, to-do, to-do, to-dooooooo
What does Black Panther live in? A Wakandaminium.
You guys see that new Black Panther Trailer yet? It's set in the vibrant and prosperous African country of Wakanda. So right off the bat you know its fiction
What roles do Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman play in the new Black Panther movie? They're the tolkien white guys of the film.
Where does Black Panther spend his vacations? In a WaCondo!
Bill Belichick arrested on animal cruelty chargers.
The slaughtered carcasses of a ram, a panther, an eagle, a seahawk, and a falcon were found in his refrigerator by a friend visiting his house this morning.
i want to die
Black Panther Was Shivering
*Somewhere in the Antarctic*
Captain America: "You look really cold T'Challa, do you need a jacket?"
Black Panther: "I never Fleece"