Why do hipsters love 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'? because it was the first Indie film.
Most Hipsters’ favourite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s the first indie film.
My dog does back-flips when the Raiders kick a field goal....... my buddy asked me what he does when they score a touch-down and I told him I didn't know, I've only had him for 6 years.
If Bag Raiders were a Russian band debuting in the 80s, their hit song will be called... Shooting Tsars
How are the Oakland Raiders like the mailman? Neither one delivers on Sunday!
The Raiders are moving to Las Vegas Most Oakland fans won't even be able to go to games now due to parole stipulations...
We should change the Cleveland Browns name to Meoff So we could get some comedic value when the headline says “The Raiders beat Meoff this past Sunday”
The Oakland Raiders are moving to Las Vegas I think that is quite a gamble.
The raiders of today will be raidittors of tomorrow.
What do the Raiders and a ritrement home not have in common? Nothing.
How do you phrase it in a Jamaican accent when you say that the protagonist of "Raiders of the Lost Arc" is undoubtably well connected with a new age hotel located underground? Indy's in deep in de "Inn Deep" indeed