One time, I was out scuba diving when I suddenly heard beautiful voices singing in unison. I was very surprised until I looked beneath me and realized it was coming from a choral reef.
Deep down... ...I knew scuba diving wasn't for me.
I recently quit my job as a scuba diving instructor I couldn't handle the pressure.
I had a girlfriend that went scuba diving... One day I lobster and never flounder again.
Why can't Bill Clinton go scuba diving? He won't inhale.
An Expensive Scuba Diving Store in My Town Just Opened It went under
Scuba divings a good hobby If you wanna hit rock bottom.
The other day while scuba diving for seafood it dawned on me that everytime I saw a crab or lobster with a scrap of food, it was frantically seaching for a place to hide so it could eat alone. Then I thought to myself, that's shellfish.
Why did the kid pursue scuba diving? Because all his grades are below C-level
What do you call a pregnant woman scuba diving ? A submarine.
My wife wants to go scuba diving while I prefer sky diving... We cant find any common ground
I just took my last dive as a scuba diving instructor. Deep down, I realized it wasn’t for me.
What do you call an overweight monk going scuba diving? A deep fat friar.