Short Person Jokes

Funny Short Person Jokes
Score: 23

What do you call a short person on a roundabout? A Midget Spinner.

Score: 19

What do you call a very short person that assists you in your timing? A metrognome

Score: 12

What’s it called when a short person waves? Microwave

Score: 9

What do you call it when a short person waves at you? A microwave

Score: 7

What is it called when a short person waives at you? A microwave

Score: 6

Did you know that when a short person waves at you... It’s called a microwave

Score: 6

Did you hear the one about the short person who tried to start a fight? It's a real knee knee-slapper, I tell ya!

Score: 5

When a short person says you have nice hair. You quickly check your zipper.

Score: 4

Short Jokes As a short person, I don't understand short jokes. They always go right over my head.

Score: 4

What do you call a short person who summersaults out of a circus cannon? A midget spinner

Score: 3

What do you call a short person who comes from the Shetland Islands? A little Shet

Score: 2

Short Person Me: *Sees a short Friend * "What have u been upto lil guy?"

Person: "F*** You, A**hole ... don't call me little"

Me: "Someones seems a lil upset"

... *He didn't get the jokes* :(

Score: 2

What is it called when a short person waves at you? A microwave.

Score: 2

As a short person I hate tall jokes It goes over my head

-The Joke

-My Head

Score: 1

What do you call a short person that waves? What do you call a short person that waves

A microwave

Score: 1

What do you call it when a tall person and a short person do 69? 6q

Score: 1

What do you call a short person with ADHA break dancing? A midget spinner

Score: 0

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