Socialist Jokes

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks. "We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18", says bartender.

Score: 16313
Funny Socialist Jokes
Score: 1802

"I'm a socialist drinker!" The bartender chuckled and asked me, "Don't you mean social drinker?" "No, I only drink when someone else is paying."

Score: 157

Socialist jokes are the best. Everyone gets them.

Score: 129

Bernie Sanders is a true socialist He's taking the delegates he's earned and giving them to somebody who is struggling to earn their own.

Score: 122

Bernie Sanders is such a socialist... ...he gave Hillary Clinton half the votes in Iowa.

Score: 116

A socialist, a nihilist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks "We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18", says the bartender.

Score: 97

Socialist jokes aren't funny.... Unless everybody gets them.

Score: 92

Where do socialist birds lay their eggs? In a communest

(pls ^dont ^^be ^^^repost)

Score: 82

Where do Socialist birds lay their eggs? In a communest

Score: 81

Where does a socialist bird lay its eggs? In a communest.

Score: 75

So I asked my cat who his favorite socialist was. He just looked at me and said Mao.

Score: 46

What do you call an apathetic socialist state? The "So be it" Union.

Score: 27

Socialist jokes are not funny Unless everybody gets them.

Score: 20

What grade did the socialist get from economics? Top Marx

Score: 18

How do you starve a Socialist? You hide their food stamps under their work boots.

Edit; Thank you /u/DoctorBrohoof for my first gold!

Score: 10

Communist / Socialist jokes aren't funny.... unless everyone gets them.

Score: 9

All my friends and family thought I'll be a broke socialist out of college **BUT I BECAME A BOLD CAPITALIST**

Score: 8

Why did the liberal not want to talk to the socialist? Because they are anti-social.

Score: 8

A Socialist, a Marxist, and a Postmodernist walk into a strip club. The bouncer checks their ID's and says

"sorry guys, come back when you're 21."

Score: 8

Why does a socialist only drink Herbal Tea? Because Proper Tea is theft.

(This might be the most British joke I know).

Score: 7

Bernie Sanders may be old, but he loves modern technologies such as. . . Socialist Media.

Score: 6

What did the socialist use before candles? Electricity.

Score: 6

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo marxist walk into a bar the bartender says to them, “We don’t serve people under 18 here”

Score: 6

What did the socialist use to light his home before candles? Electricity.

Score: 6

An old but gold Soviet joke Q: Rabinovich, what is a fortune?

A: A fortune is to live in our Socialist motherland.

Q: And what's a misfortune?

A: A misfortune is to have such a fortune.

Score: 6

A nihilist, a socialist, and a neo-marxist walk into a bar and order drinks. “We don't sell alcohol to anyone under 18”, says the bartender.

Score: 6

What did Venezuelan socialist use before candles? Electricity!

Score: 5

Bartender and His Customers A neurosurgeon, two Cubans, a fascist, a socialist, and a prisoner all walk into a bar together.

The bartender asks, "What's new?"

They all reply, "I'm running for president."

Score: 4

What do you call it when a socialist teacher can't control his students Class struggle

Score: 4

Socialist jokes won't work unless Everyone helps write it.

Score: 3

This election season has taught me a lot about what it must feel like to be a reasonable, level-headed Christian . . . You really really like this one Jewish socialist guy, but you have a really hard time tolerating most of his other fans.

Score: 2

Turns out my exam moderator, Karl, was a Prussian socialist I guess Karl marx after all.

Score: 1

Where does a socialist bird lay it’s eggs? In a communest.

Score: 1

What is the motto of the Socialist French Revolution? Oui, the people!

Score: 1

A Democrat and a socialist are walking down the street ... A Democrat and a socialist are walking down the street and see a dog licking its nuts.

The Democrat goes, "I wish I could do that"
The socialist goes, "Maybe if you tried petting him first..."

Score: 1

I laughed about a socialist joke once in French It was a proud hon.

Score: 0

What did the people of the Socialist country use before candles? Electricity!

Score: 0

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