Trumpet Jokes

If I were a trumpet player I would constantly borrow other people's trumpets. I'd hate to toot my own horn

Score: 38
Funny Trumpet Jokes
Score: 25

My downstairs neighbor was yelling and banging on the ceiling until 3 AM Did that bother you?

Not much. I was up til about the same time practicing my trumpet.

Score: 21

What do you call a woman of the night playing a trumpet? A prosti-toot

Score: 18

What is Vladimir Putin's favorite instrument to play? A Trumpet!

Score: 18

What would be the most useless superpower? How about the ability to go invisible, but it only works while you're playing a trumpet.

Score: 17

If you suck at playing the trumpet, That's probably why.

Score: 17

What's worse than your neighbor playing the trumpet at 4 am? Him not quite knowing how to play the trumpet at 4 am

Score: 17

My neighbor kept knocking on the wall yesterday night... Fortunately, I wasn't sleeping, I was playing trumpet!

Score: 11

What do you call a cheap trumpet? A frugal horn

Score: 10

Heard this one from my trumpet playing band director Does anyone know the Trumpeteer handshake?
"Hi, I'm better than you"

Score: 6

What's the instrument of oppression? the Trumpet

Score: 5

What's the difference between trumpet players and government bonds? Government bonds eventually mature and earn money.

Score: 5

What do you do with a rubber trumpet? Join an elastic band.

Score: 5

Hey girl did you push in the third valve side of my trumpet Because my D isn’t flat anymore 😎

Score: 5

Which musical instrument does Vladimir Putin know how to play best? The TRUMPet!

Score: 4

What did the Scottish woman do when she found a trumpet buried in her garden? She had to root-e-toot

Score: 4

What is the best instrument to keep as a pet? A trumpet

Score: 4

What is the formal designation of a Trump supporter? A Trumpet. Because they're loud and irrelevant.

Score: 3

What did the Scotsman do to the trumpet plant? He rooted it oot.

Score: 3

What do you call a self-absorbed trumpet player? Brasshole

Score: 3

What instrument do Mexicans hate? The TRUMPet.

Score: 3

If you suck at the trumpet maybe that's why.

Score: 3

What's trump favourite toy? His Trumpet...

Score: 3

I can't play the trumpet... ...I suck.

Score: 3

If the President had a dog Would it be a Trumpet?

Score: 3

What do you call a trombone that was born into the body of a trumpet? A ***TRANS***-^bone.

Score: 3

If you suck at trumpet That’s probably why.

Score: 3

What does a trumpet have in common with King Tut? They have the fact that both toot in common

Score: 3

What do you call a dog owned by Donald Trump? A trumpet.

Score: 2

I brought my trumpet and skull halloween mask to class today Guess you could say I'm a school dooter

Score: 2

What does Donald Trump call his pet? Trumpet.

Score: 2

What do. A trumpet and a pirate have in common? They both commit murder on the high C(sea)

Score: 1

What instrument do Mexicans hate the most? The **trumpet**

Score: 1

What do you call a loud Trump supporter? A Trumpet.

Score: 1

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