Have you heard of the turkish version of sudoku? It's called a pseudo-coup.
Tried Turkish food today... It was revolting
What's the best way to serve Turkey? Join the Turkish Army.
The EU is like a box of chocolates; Nobody likes the Turkish.
Why is the Turkish President like Little Miss Muffett? They both have Kurds in their way
Just found out the Turkish President is getting into acting He shot a pilot a few month back
What do you call a man who lives in Turkey who was not born there. Turkish
Turkish Political Humor Current Turkish gallows humour: A prisoner goes to the prison library, asks for a specific book. The guard tells him, "we don't have that book... but we do have the author." From Moshik_Temkin on Twitter
What do you call a Turkish cab driver? An Ottoman.
Where do Turkish people go to purchase their furniture? The Ottoman Empire.
What's the difference between a Syrian chapel and a Turkish terrorist camp? America will let in people from the terrorist camp.
Turkish gallows humor A prisoner goes to the prison library, and asks for a specific book. The guard tells him, "we don't have that book... but we do have the author."
What do you call Turkish President, Recep Erdogan, after the military coup? Erdogone
I sat on my Turkish friend yesterday. Now he's an Ottoman.
What do you call a maternal Turkish robot water weasel? An Ottoman otter-mom automaton.
What ethnic group do cannibals eat on thanksgiving? Turkish
What are Turkish cattle best known for? Mootiny.
Turkish fundraising dinner Donor Kebab
TIL that Turkish has some weird pronunciation. I mean, they pronounce Constantinople as Istanbul.
A small turkish family had a car accident. 18 people died.
Being Turkish is like being in love You never have to say you’re sorry.
What do you call a Turkish baby?
What do you say to a Turkish baby that won’t be quiet?
Shish Kebab-y
President Erdogan has won Turkish cheese maker of the year. He excels at getting the curds out of the whey.
Why was a Turkish plane trying to bomb Greece? It was on otto pilot.
What’s a nickname for Turkish police officers? The Fez
I like my women like my coffee... Turkish!
What's the Turkish cannibals favorite meal? Organ Doner
Turkish Joke
Found this online.
A prisoner goes to the jail's library to borrow a book. The librarian says: "We don't have this book, but we have its author."
Where does the turkish king sit? On the Ayran Throne
What do you call a Turkish erection? A böner.
- Wanna hear a Turkish joke?
\- OK!
\- What does the first time you got laid have in common with the Armenian genocide?
Belgian state orders 5 million euro's in facemasks Got scammed by fake Turkish company.