Turkish Jokes

Funny Turkish Jokes
Score: 1374

Have you heard of the turkish version of sudoku? It's called a pseudo-coup.

Score: 128

Tried Turkish food today... It was revolting

Score: 121

What's the best way to serve Turkey? Join the Turkish Army.

Score: 95

The EU is like a box of chocolates; Nobody likes the Turkish.

Score: 38

Why is the Turkish President like Little Miss Muffett? They both have Kurds in their way

Score: 19

Just found out the Turkish President is getting into acting He shot a pilot a few month back

Score: 14

What do you call a man who lives in Turkey who was not born there. Turkish

Score: 14

Turkish Political Humor Current Turkish gallows humour: A prisoner goes to the prison library, asks for a specific book. The guard tells him, "we don't have that book... but we do have the author." From Moshik_Temkin on Twitter

Score: 13

What do you call a Turkish cab driver? An Ottoman.

Score: 11

Where do Turkish people go to purchase their furniture? The Ottoman Empire.

Score: 8

What's the difference between a Syrian chapel and a Turkish terrorist camp? America will let in people from the terrorist camp.

Score: 6

Turkish gallows humor A prisoner goes to the prison library, and asks for a specific book. The guard tells him, "we don't have that book... but we do have the author."

Score: 6

What do you call Turkish President, Recep Erdogan, after the military coup? Erdogone

Score: 4

I sat on my Turkish friend yesterday. Now he's an Ottoman.

Score: 4

What do you call a maternal Turkish robot water weasel? An Ottoman otter-mom automaton.

Score: 4

What ethnic group do cannibals eat on thanksgiving? Turkish

Score: 3

What are Turkish cattle best known for? Mootiny.

Score: 3

Turkish fundraising dinner Donor Kebab

Score: 3

TIL that Turkish has some weird pronunciation. I mean, they pronounce Constantinople as Istanbul.

Score: 3

A small turkish family had a car accident. 18 people died.

Score: 3

Being Turkish is like being in love You never have to say you’re sorry.

Score: 3

What do you call a Turkish baby? Kebab-y

What do you say to a Turkish baby that won’t be quiet?

Shish Kebab-y

Score: 3

President Erdogan has won Turkish cheese maker of the year. He excels at getting the curds out of the whey.

Score: 3

Why was a Turkish plane trying to bomb Greece? It was on otto pilot.

Score: 2

What’s a nickname for Turkish police officers? The Fez

Score: 2

I like my women like my coffee... Turkish!

Score: 2

What's the Turkish cannibals favorite meal? Organ Doner

Score: 2

Turkish Joke Found this online.

A prisoner goes to the jail's library to borrow a book. The librarian says: "We don't have this book, but we have its author."

Score: 2

Where does the turkish king sit? On the Ayran Throne

Score: 2

What do you call a Turkish erection? A böner.

Score: 1

- Wanna hear a Turkish joke? \- OK!

\- What does the first time you got laid have in common with the Armenian genocide?

Score: 0

Belgian state orders 5 million euro's in facemasks Got scammed by fake Turkish company.

Score: 0

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