There are two cows standing in a field.... The first cow says to the other, “I was artificially inseminated this morning.” The second cow replies, “No way, I don’t believe you.” The first says, “It’s true, no bull.”
Two cows walk into a vegan bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve your kind here."
Two cows got in a fight..
One started to march towards the other, while the other got scared.
One was cowrageous.
The other was a coward.
Two cows are grazing in a field...
One turns to the other and asks "Have you heard all this talk of mad cow disease?"
The other replies "Why should I care? I'm a helicopter"
Two cows are eating grass in a field
The first turns to the second and says "Moooooo"
The second turns to the first and says "I was just about to say that"
Two cows are standing on a hill....
One turns to the other and says "Hey, aren't you worried about mad cow disease?"
The other replies, "Why should I care? I'm a helicopter!"
Two cows are standing in a barn.
Cow 1: Hey, did you hear about the big outbreak of mad cow disease?
Cow 2: Good thing I'm a helicopter.
Two cows are talking to each other while grazing....
The first cow says
"Hey I heard there's a case of mad cow disease going around, are you worried?"
The second cow looks at the first and says
"Why should I be worried? I'm a squirrel."
Two cows are standing in a field ...and one says to the other, "Say, are you worried about this mad cow disease going around?" And the other one says, "Why should I care? I'm a helicopter! PFFFFFT!"
Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other, “What do you think about this mad cow disease?”
“What do I care?” says the other. “I’m a helicopter.”
Not sure if this will work outside of Scotland...
Two cows in a field, which one is on holiday?
- the one with the wee calf
Two cows in a field. One asks “should I be worried about mad cow’s disease”? “Well I’m not”, the other replies, “...because I’m a squirrel!”
Two cows
Two cows were talking in a field.
"Aren't you worried about this Mad Cow Disease that's going round?"
"No", said the other. "I'm a goat".
Two cows are standing next to each other in a field...
Daisy says to Dolly, "I was artificially inseminated this morning."
"I don't believe you," says Dolly.
Daisy exclaims, "It's true, no bull!"
Two cows walk into a vegan restaurant. The waiter says, "We don't serve your kind here."
Two cows were grazing in the field, when one of them says to the other, "How about that mad cow disease, huh?" The second one says, "Why should I care? I'm a helicopter"
Two cows are grazing in a field...
One cow says to the other, "Are you worried about this Mad Cow Disease?"
The other one says, "Why should I be? I'm a helicopter!"
Two cows are grazing in a field.
One cow says "Hey, did you hear about the Mad Cow Disease? It's spreading pretty fast."
The other cow says "Yeah. Good thing I'm a helicopter."
Two cows are talking...
"Have you heard of the 'mad cow' disease?"
"I don't worry about that, I'm a penguin!"
Two cows are standing in a pasture. The first cow says "Hey have you heard about the mad cow disease going around?" and the second cow says... "No, luckily I'm a helicopter."
Two cows walk into a barn and start arguing about who gets the wheat Now they got beef
So two cows are standing in a field...
One turns to the other and says, "So have you heard about this mad cow disease business? Pretty scary stuff."
The other looks back and says, "What do I care, I'm a helicopter!"
Two cows are standing in a field.
One cow turns to the other and says, "Did you hear about that outbreak of mad cow disease?"
The other one looks at him and says, "Good thing I'm a helicopter."
Two cows are standing...
in the pasture. One turns to the other and says, "Although pi is usually abbreviated to five numbers, it actually goes on to infinity."
The second cow turns to the first and says: "Moo."
(stolen from Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar...)
Two cows are standing in a field.
*The first cow says*: did you hear about that "mad cow disease" that's going around? That sounds pretty terrible.
*The second cow says*: yeah, it does. Good thing us chickens don't have to worry about that!
Two cows are in a field and one says to the other "I'm kind of worried about this Mad Cow disease, are you? The second cow replies "Nah I'm not worried about it. I'm a helicopter"
Two cows are standing in a field.
Cow 1: Did you hear about the outbreak of mad cow disease?
Cow 2: Good thing I'm a helicopter.
Two cows are standing in a field
They're chewing away at the grass quietly when one turns to the other and says, "So what do you think of this mad cow disease?"
The other raises his head, eyes red, and shouts, "WHAT DO I CARE? I'M A HELICOPTER!"
Two cows are standing in a field. The first cow says, "hey, I'm really worried about this mad cow disease going around". The second cow says, "I don't care, I'm a submarine!".
Two cows standing on a slope
There's two cows standing on a slope. Which cows reaches the bottom first?
The one with the smaller mu.
Why weren't the two cows friends
They had some beef
Two Cows Standing In A Field... One cow says to the other, "Aren't you worried about getting mad cow disease?" The other says "Why would I be? I'm an airplane!"
Why did the two cows fight? Because they had beef
Two cows in a field, one turns to the other and says "MOO" The other cow replied "I was gonna say that!"
There are two cows in a room when your parents walk in Now there are three cows and your dad
Two cows are in a field and one is going on a vacation. Which one is going? The one with the wee calf.
Q. Two cows standing in a field. Which one is on holiday? A. The one with the wee calf.
Two cows are talking, "hey are you worried about this mad cows disease that's going around?" "Why would I be worried I'm a goat."