White Person Jokes

how do you starve a black person? the same way you would a white person.... you racist.

Score: 1183
Funny White Person Jokes
Score: 243

What do you call the one white person on a bus full of black people? Coach

Score: 38

What does killing a black person and saying the n-word have in common? Black people do it all the time, but get mad when a white person does it.

Score: 21

How do you offend a white person? Tell them they can't tell racist jokes.

Score: 20

What do you call a white person having a seizure on the dance floor? An improvement.

Score: 19

What’s so scary about a white person in prison You know he did it

This ain’t mine btw I got it from youtube

Score: 17

How do you offend a white person? Tell them they can't make racist jokes.

Score: 13

How do you know a white person is about to tell a joke? He's looking over his shoulder

Score: 13

What do you call a white person with Asian heritage? Disoriented.

Score: 11

I hate when people say “I’m not racist! I have black friends!” It’s truly one of the most vile things a white person can say. If i had black friends I wouldn’t be telling ANYBODY.

Score: 11

How does every black joke start? With a white person looking over their shoulders

Score: 9

What's black and white and red all over? A white person wearing blackface with multiple stab wounds.

Score: 7

What can a White person say to another White person that a Black person can't say to another Black person? "Hi dad"

Score: 6

What was Hitler's favorite Yugioh card? Blue Eyes White Person

Score: 6

What's he difference between a White person and a Black person? Nothing, we're all equal and should be treated no different.

Score: 5

What do you get when you cross a white person and cocaine A Cocasian

Score: 4

Why should you be scared of a white person in prison? Because they are most certainly guilty.

Score: 3

What do you call a white person wearing glasses while playing Yu-Gi-Oh? Four eyes white dragon.

^sorry if repost, thought of this myself.

Score: 3

What do you call it if a white person robs you? Capitalism

Score: 3

My black friend thinks I'm really smart for a white person. He calls me a wise cracker.

Score: 3

What do you call an attacked white person A salted cracker

Score: 3

What does a white person call it when there aren't any other white people in the room? Cracker-lackin'

Score: 3

Funny Joke What can a white person call another white person, but a black person cannot call another black person?

Score: 3

In 1955 Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white person. The one-legged pregnant woman was forced to sit in the isle.

Score: 2

What do you call a salty white person? A saltine.

Score: 2

Where can you see a black person, a racially ambiguous person, an Asian person, and an older white person all smiling and getting along? A corporate stock photo.

Score: 2

What do you call a white person playing with gasoline? A firecracker

Score: 2

What do you call a Mexican who acts like a white person? A Juan-a-be

Score: 1

Why does a white person turn black after eating a whole cantaloupe? Because he's got a lot of melon-in.

Score: 1

You know how some people like cappucinos, some like lattes... ...well I knew someone who was a flat white person.
Shame that they didn't see the steamroller coming...

Score: 1

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