Actuary Jokes

What do you get if you cross a financial adviser with a Richard Curtis movie? Love Actuary.

Score: 4
Funny Actuary Jokes
Score: 4

I changed my major from being an actuary. I just couldn't handle the risk.

Score: 3

Why did the heavy metal rocker become an actuary? He wanted to be paid to predict death and destruction.

Score: 2

Did you hear about the accountant who daydreams about being an actuary? He craved more risk.

Score: 1

A chinese tiger mom asks her daughter a question about her future: Erizabeth, you stirr want to be a doctoh right? Her daughter replies: No, actuary...

Score: 1

What's the difference between a Sicilian insurance actuary and a any other actuary? Other actuaries can forecast how many people will die this year. The Sicilian actuary can name them.

Score: 1

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