Cartoon Jokes

My favorite drawings at the Muhammad cartoon festival in Texas were the two chalk outlines out front. Credit Evan Sayet.

Score: 32

What do you call an emo kids cartoon? Disney XD.

Score: 20

Someone keeps sending me envelopes with cartoon dicks on them. I hate junk mail.

Score: 17
Funny Cartoon Jokes
Score: 17

What is the difference between Donald Duck and Donald Trump? One is a cartoon character with a hot temper and the other is a duck.

Score: 14

Did you hear about the murder of the cartoon artist? The details are sketchy.

Score: 9

Man: "I've always had this absurd feeling that I'm a cartoon character" Psychologist: "That's a rather unusual state... How long have you felt this way?"

Man: "Ever since I was an outline..."

Score: 4

What did the cartoon character say to his brother in law when he found out his wife was crazy? You knew she was looney and a maniac...and you didn’t warn a brother?

Score: 4

On my TV I can see plenty of zombies, cartoon characters, and religious hucksters. I guess the elections are coming up soon!

Score: 3

What do you call a rerun of cartoon about zombies? Re-animated

Score: 3

Which cartoon character have you seen live? Donald Duck

Score: 3

George Clooney creates an iTunes playlist and fills it with various cartoon soundtracks. Clooney Tunes

Score: 3

A beloved cartoon artist was found dead in their home today Officers state that the details are sketchy

Score: 3

What do you get when you cross a cartoon character and a Communist? Mickey Mao.

Score: 2

What do you call a pirate cartoon? An animatee!

Score: 2

What is Mongolia's favourite cartoon? Wall-E

Score: 2

There's a new hospital building in California named after a famous cartoon character the Scooby Dooby Doo ICU.

Score: 2

What is Oberyn Martell's favorite cartoon? Popeye

Score: 2

I had a picture of my favorite cartoon rabbit, but when I came home one day, someone encased it in glass and hung it up. Who framed Roger Rabbit?

Score: 2

What is a Irish nationalists favourite cartoon? Fenians & Ferb

Score: 2

Now that Lucasfilm is owned by Disney . . . Will ILM be removing the Notre Dame Cathedral from the Hunchback cartoon?

Score: 2

You can tell how amazingly progressive the world's become... When you see countries like Ukraine, America, and China elect a comedian, a clown, and a cartoon bear to be their presidents.

Score: 2

Which cartoon character curses the most? The Road Runner

Score: 2

What do you call cartoon duck sausage? Huey Louie Andouille.

Score: 1

My favorite drawings at the Mohammad cartoon festival in Texas... were the two chalk outlines out front.

Score: 1

If I drew a cartoon depicting Mohamed and Harambe dating It would be Haram-Bae

Score: 1

What's Rob Porter's favorite cartoon? Popeye

Score: 1

What do you call a cartoon cow? An animoo!

Score: 1

Why does Bob hide out every time, while watching a cartoon? He’s afraid that someone would Expunge Bob

Score: 1

Why did the meticulous animator get fired from the western cartoon? She wasnt quick enough on the draw.

Score: 1

What did Hulk do after diacovering Mcdonalds? He recorded a cartoon called Shrek

Score: 0