Coding Jokes

Funny Coding Jokes
Score: 619

What is coding called on Tatooine? Jabbascript

Score: 164

This actually just happened... *Wife: I wanna get into coding.

*Me: Oh, that sounds fun. You might even earn some
money on the side while you're at home. What language
did you wana code in ?

*Wife: English. Duh!

Score: 143

What did the HTML coding dog say? Href Href!

Score: 118

Why do LGBT people dislike coding? It's binary

Score: 17

Coding humor 99 silly bugs in the code
99 silly bugs
Pass one down
Patch it aroubd
127 silly bugs in the code!

Score: 14

My dog ate my coding homework. Took him a couple bytes.

Score: 12

my dog... Me: I'm so sorry, my dog ate my homework

Comp Sci Professor: your dog ate your coding assignment?



Me: it took him a couple bytes

Score: 8

My dog ate my computer science project "your dog ate your coding assignment?"

It took him a couple bytes

Score: 6

Me: My dog ate my homework Comp science professor: Your dog ate your coding assignment?


Comp science professor:

Me: It took him a couple of bytes..


Edit: this is not my joke lol

Score: 6

"My dog ate my homework" Prof - "Your dog ate your coding assignment?
Me -
Prof -
Me - It took him a couple of bytes.

Score: 6

Coding Jokes post coding jokes

I will <br> your heart

Score: 5

Why are writers really good at coding? Because they are really into Pro grammar.

Score: 5

My dog ate my coding assignment. It took him a couple bytes.

Score: 4

A programmer starts coding something... And it works first try

Score: 3

You know you've been coding for too long when...;

Score: 2

Always bring your A game Unless you’re coding. Then bring your C game

Score: 2

Play on words Me: sorry, my dog ate my homework

Prof: your dog ate your coding assignment?



Me: yeah, it took him a few bytes

Score: 2

A movie about the maximum function in coding and signal transformation applications in road planning: "Math.Max Fourier Road"

Score: 1

My dog just ate my coding homework It took him a couple bytes

Score: 1

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