My Girlfriend has been repeatedly asking me “Are you a character from Alice in Wonderland?” and it’s getting really annoying
My Friend asked me “Are you mad at her?”
I relied with “Don’t you start too”
I said to my friend, “My girlfriend keeps asking me if I’m an Alice in Wonderland character, and it’s getting really annoying!”
He said, “Are you mad at her?”
I said, “Geez! Don’t you start too!”
I said to my friend, “My girlfriend keeps asking me if I’m an Alice in Wonderland character and it’s getting really annoying!”
He asked, “Are you mad at her?”
I cried, “Geez! Don’t you start too!”
They're making a x rated version of Alice in wonderland where Alice is played by a dominiatrix It's called Alice in chains
What nationality was the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland? Definitely Russian