Ancient Greek Jokes

An ancient Greek walks into a tailors with a torn pair of pants: "Euripides?" Asks the tailor.

"Yeah, Eumenides?" Replies the man.

Score: 508

An Ancient Greek man walks into his tailor’s shop with some torn togas... Tailor: Euripides?

Man: Yeah, Eumenides?

EDIT: Yes, I know togas were worn by the Romans. Greeks wore an early version of the toga called the himation, but nobody would get that joke.

Score: 160
Funny Ancient Greek Jokes
Score: 146

Have you heard of the Ancient Greek hero, Bophades? He was a lot like Achilles, he had only one weakness, but instead of his heel, it was his groin. You may have heard of Achilles’ heel but have you heard of Bophades’ nuts?

Score: 97

An ancient Greek goes up to a tailor... The tailor asks the Greek: "Euripides?"
The Greek replies "Eumenides?"

Score: 64

An Ancient Greek walks into a tailor... An Ancient Greek walks into a tailor with a torn chiton, asks the tailor, "Eumenides?"

The tailor responds, "Euripedes?"

Score: 56

"Gymnasium" in ancient Greek means "naked exercise"… …but try telling that to the receptionist at the health club…

Score: 15

Have y'all heard of the ancient Greek hero Bophades? He was a lot like Achilles, he had one weakness. Except it wasn't his heal, it was his groin. You may have heard the term Achilles heel, but have you heard of Bophades Nuts?

Score: 13

This is so awful. It must go on to infect others. An Ancient Greek walks into his tailor’s shop with a pair of torn trousers.

“Euripides?” Says the tailor.

“Yeah, Eumenides?” Replies the man.

Score: 12

What did the ancient Greek mother say when her sons toga got torn? Euripides, Eumenides

Score: 10

An ancient Greek playwright walks into a tailor..... ....and approaches the counter holding a robe. He shows the tailor a large hole torn in the side. The tailor looks at him and said "Euripides?"

The playwright responds, "Eumenides."

Score: 9

An Ancient Greek walks into a tailor shop with a pair of torn pants... “Euripides?” says the tailor.

“Yep, Eumenides?” replies the man.

Score: 6

Have you heard of the, great, ancient Greek philosopher Mediocrates? His primary philosophical viewpoint is "eeeeehhh"

Score: 4

Have you heard of the Ancient Greek hero, Bophades? He was a lot like Achilles- he had just one weakness. Except instead of his heel it was his groin. You may have heard of "Achilles' heel", but have you heard of "Bophades' nuts"?

Score: 4

How did the ancient Greek rabbit move around at night? He had a Hoplite.

Score: 4

Just got kicked out of a Greek themed costume party apparently coming dressed as an ancient Greek olympian 'wasn't appropriate'

Score: 4

What unit of measurement did the ancient greeks use to measure their crops? Demeter.

Score: 3

A brief history of Ancient Greek culture Greece before Alexander the Great: Kinda nistic.

Greece after Alexander the Great: Hella nistic.

Score: 3

Warning, you'll only get this if you understand a rudimentary amount of ancient Greek. When an ancient Athenian was asked whether he preferred the sand or the sea, he replied:

Tha latta

Score: 2

How did the ancient Greeks seperate the men from the boys? With a crowbar.

Score: 2

Two robbers broke into the Smithsonian today and stole an ancient Greek calendar. They both got 6 months.

Score: 2

Ancient Greek philosophy joke It turns out that Diogenes did find one honest person, but this person told Diogenes "quit wasting your time and get a job." and Diogenes didn't want to hear the truth any more than anybody else does.

Score: 2

An ancient Greek goes to a ­tailor - - to get his trousers mended.

The tailor asks: “Euripides?” The professor replies: “Yes. Eumenides?”

Score: 1

What toothpaste brand did the Ancient Greeks use? Laurel-B

Score: 1

I was reading a FB comment thread, and suddenly someone said "I DEMAND TO READ THE ANCIENT GREEK COMEDY 'THE FROGS.'" I was like, well, that Aeschylated quickly.

Score: 1

The Ancient Greeks always thought something was off with the Romans Like their heads were caput.

Score: 1

Which ancient Greek wrote the first book about farts? Euripides

Score: 1

What's the best way to find information about Ancient Greek Mathematics? Just type in "Greek Mathology" and you're golden.

Score: 1

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