Aussie Jokes

As an Aussie, Americans are always asking me where in Australia there *isn’t* something trying to kill you... “School” is my answer

Score: 27388

As an Aussie, Americans are always asking me where in Australia there "isn't" something trying to kill you.... "School" is my answer.

Score: 18703

I'm Aussie and Americans are always asking me where in Australia there isn’t something trying to kill you... School is my answer!

Score: 545

Never confuse a Kiwi with an Aussie. One's a soft, hairy fruit and the other's a Kiwi!

Score: 43
Funny Aussie Jokes
Score: 33

Let's make it Aussie joke day. A man on vacation in Queensland suffers a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. On waking, he weakly asks the nurse, "Was I brought here to die?" The nurse replies, "No, they brought you in yesterday."

Score: 29

An Aussie kiss is like a French kiss... But down under

Score: 27

A guy got angry at an aussie A guy got really angry at an aussie, so he told him "Go die"


The aussie responded "G'day to you to, mate!"

Score: 18

How does the Aussie Chessmaster pay his bills? Checkmate

Score: 11

Have you ever had an Aussie kiss? It’s like a French kiss, just down under.

Score: 11

As an Aussie, Americans are always asking me where in Australia there *isn’t* something trying to kill you... I say one word. "School."

Score: 11

How do you ask an Aussie waiter for the bill? 'Checkmate!'

Score: 10

Women. An Aussie saying"we're men".

Score: 10

An Australian with two bad eyes may not be the best at making you feel good... But an Aussie with one good eye might...

Score: 8

What did the Aussie say when he turned 8? Oi mate

Score: 7

Japanese Camera There's a Japanese firm that has developed a camera with a shutter speed so fast it can actually catch an Aussie with his mouth shut.

Score: 6

Old Aussie joke: Why is the lady on the Red Heads matchbox always smiling? There are 48 heads in her box - of course she`s happy!

Score: 6

What do Aussie bass strings say? G'DAE!

Score: 6

So I was in a hostel playing chess with a European guy when an Aussie comes up and says... "There's no way you'll win."
"Because he's Czech, mate"

Score: 6

Two Aussie chess players are finishing lunch. One makes a move for the waiter.. "Check, mate?"

Score: 6

My aussie friend was clearly impressed with me.. When i spotted him amongst the dense crowd of people.

Without skipping a beat, first thing he said to me was, “good eye mike!”

Score: 4

What do you call an Aussie who lies for a living? A lawyer.

Score: 4

What do the Aussie say when he saw the chessboard? Check, mate.

Score: 4

I told an Aussie friend I was having trouble rooting my phone He replied, "Maybe try buying it dinner first, mate. "

Score: 3

What should you do if an Aussie throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back.

Score: 3

As an Aussie; 10am is when I make a cuppa Twinings English Breakfast for the local marsupials it's a really koala tea time

Score: 3

I don't know why the teen that cracked egg on the Aussie senator's head is hailed as a hero. He's clearly an eggstremist and we don't condone eggstremism

Score: 3

What did the waiter say to the Aussie chess player after he finished his meal? Here's your cheque mate.

Score: 3

Why did the Englishman and the Aussie want to burn the other? They wanted The Ashes.

Score: 3

An Aussie wins a game of chess and calls for the bill, then his friend collapses in his chair. He says: “Checkmate. Check, mate” then Checks his mate

Score: 3

What did the Aussie say when his friend ran out of TP? Bidet mate!

Score: 2

Aussie bin man knocks on front door of China mans house as he can't find his bin. Aussie binman: gd day mate. Where's ya bin?

China man: ah hello. I bin sleeping.

Aussie bin man: na mate. Whes ya wheelie bin?

China man: ah. Ok. I really been wankin.

Score: 2

Downvotes are actually updoots from our Aussie bros _respect_ , _dedication_

Score: 1

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