Bedtime Jokes

Funny Bedtime Jokes
Score: 145

What did the momma cow say to her baby cows? It’s pasture bedtime

Score: 142

When is it bedtime at Michael Jackson's house? When the big hand touches the little hand.

Score: 90

I walked past a field of cows at 3 AM and saw that they were all wide awake. I said, "Surely it's pasture bedtime?"

Score: 87

My personal trainer told me to drink a protein shake everyday at 3 in the morning. But that's whey past my bedtime.

Score: 80

When do cows go to sleep? When it's pasture bedtime

Score: 41

My bedtime is 9:11pm... So I never forget.

Score: 18

Recent study shows leading cause of dehydration in children: Bedtime.

Score: 15

When do you know it is time for the cows to go to sleep? When it is pasture bedtime.

Score: 14

What did the mama cow say to the baby cow? Its pasture bedtime

Score: 13

A child was sent to jail for staying up past his bedtime He got charged with resisting arrest.

Score: 7

When do cows go to sleep? Pasture bedtime.

Score: 5

What did Momma Cow say to her calf after sundown? It's *pasture* bedtime!

Score: 5

When is it bedtime at the Neverland Ranch? When the big hand touches the little hand.

Score: 5

What time is bedtime at Michael Jackson's house? When the big hand touches the little hand

Score: 5

What does the farmer say to the cows at night? It's pasture bedtime.

Score: 5

My friend asked if I could help him write a bedtime story for his kids. I thought "what a novel idea".

Score: 4

Q: What time is bedtime at Neverland Ranch? A: When the big hand touches the little hand.

Score: 4

I wake up happy, slowly get angrier, then eventually start lightening up and by bedtime I've come full circle and am happy one again I've got pi-polar disorder

Score: 4

Why did the meatballs tell the spaghetti to go to sleep? It was pasta bedtime.

Score: 4

If you notice cows sleeping in a field... does that mean it's pasture bedtime? :)

Score: 4

How do you know it's bedtime at Kevin Spaceys house? When the big hand touches the little hand.

Score: 3

How do kids know when it's bedtime at Neverland Ranch? When the big hand touches the little hand.

Score: 3

I ate a load of of licorice at bedtime and had some very strange nightmares. What were you dreaming about?


All sorts.

Score: 3

What time is it when you see cows sleeping in a field? Pasture bedtime

Score: 3

Go to sleep I told my daughter, "Go to bed, the cows are sleeping in the field." She said, "What's that got to do with anything?"

I said "That means it's pasture bedtime."

Score: 3

A dad puts his kids down for bedtime He says, "You're fat and stupid!"

Score: 2

How does Michael Jackson know when it's bedtime? When the little hand touches the big hand.

Score: 2

I like my women how I like my bedtime. 10

Score: 2

Why did the macaroni leave the party? It was pasta his bedtime.

Score: 2

What time is bedtime at Michael Jackson's house? When the big hand is on the little hand.

Score: 1

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