Cello Jokes

What did the conductor do when half of the cello section called in sick a week before a major concert? He was forced to resort to excessive violins.

Score: 129

How does Yo-Yo Ma answer the phone? Cello?

Score: 18

A girl asked if I play any Indian instruments. I told her I play mandolin, violin and cello. Close, but no sitar.

Score: 15

I play my women like I play the cello. I don't play the cello.

Score: 5

You stole my viola, cello, and double bass. You made me so angry, I'm violint now.

Score: 4
Funny Cello Jokes
Score: 4

How does a viola greet a relative? Cello!

Score: 3

What's the difference between Yo Yo Ma and Yo Mama? One is a famous cello player

The other is a heinous fellow layer

Score: 3

My girlfriend played the cello and I loved it. But recently she gave up the cello and took up the violin, so I had to break up with her. Because I'm all about that bass, no treble.

Score: 2

What did the violin say to his big brother? Cello.

Score: 2

My girlfriend dumped me at a high end cello recital... She asked me who the cellist was and I replied "Yo, yo ma."

Score: 2

What's the diff between a virtuoso cello player and an insult? One is a Yo Yo Ma

The other is .... YO' MAMA!!

Score: 1

What's the stringed instrument's favorite movie quote? "Cello, Clarice..."

Score: 0

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