Skinny dipping involves a swimming pool. Fat dipping involves a ranch cup and chicken nuggets.
What do you call a person with no arms or legs, that is scared? A chicken nugget.
What do you call a bird with no limbs? A chicken nugget
What do you call a quadruple amputee that is afraid of everything? A chicken nugget.
What do you call a chicken with no legs and no wings? A chicken nugget
The following jokes are not sponsored...
What do you call an overweight scotsman?
- Big mac.
What do you call a cowardly dwarf?
- Chicken nugget.
What do you call the world's cheapest prostitute?
- Quarter pounder.
What happens when you get a chicken nugget hard? You get a chicken tender.
What did the dad chicken nugget say to his son when he forgot his tie on his wedding day? Where’s your Tyson?
What did the burnt chicken nugget say to the other burnt chicken nugget? What’s up my nugga
I had some Burger King chicken nuggets the other day They were just offal
A teacher asks her first grade class about farm animals...
Teacher: "What does a fat chicken give you?"
Class: "Chicken nuggets!!!"
Teacher: "What does a fat pig give you?"
Class:"Bacon and ham!!!"
Teacher: "What does a fat cow give you?"
Chicken nuggets? The vegan in me is telling me that eating these chicken nuggets is wrong and gross, the meat-eater in me is telling me to go for it. They both tell me I still shouldn't eat during threesomes.
I think the Rainforest Cafe takes the whole rainforest theme too far. Once I sitting there with my chicken nuggets and they bulldozed half the restaurant.