Christmas Cracker Jokes

Funny Christmas Cracker Jokes
Score: 97

Ok, so lets share our Christmas cracker jokes. Mine was awful. A bottle of lemonade fell on a barmans head. Why wasn't he hurt? It was a soft drink.

Score: 17

What did one eye say to the other eye? Between you and me, something smells.

Credit: Christmas cracker.

Score: 11

What did the sea say to the shore? Nothing, he just waved.

Christmas crackers are the worst.

Score: 3

What does a writer hope to get in a Christmas cracker? A Pull-it-surprise!

Score: 2

I've got a Christmas cracker joke so good it can't wait. Why do crackers love Santa? Because he's white.

Score: 2

What did the feta cheese say when it saw a parmesan for the first time? No whey!

>I thought up this awful joke (of the sort they put in Christmas crackers and are barely worth reading) all by myself a few minutes ago ... I am so proud

Score: 2

From a Christmas Cracker: What did the puppy say when it sat on sandpaper? Ruff

Score: 1

Ah, Christmas cracker jokes... ...the cheapest form of comedy

Score: 1

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