Confucius says...
It is good to meet girl in park
but BETTER to park meat in girl
Confucius says "man who goes through turnstile sideways..." "Is going to Bangkok."
Confucius says, that it is good to meet girl in park... ...but it is better to park meat in girl
Confucius says: Woman who sleeps with judge..... receives honorable discharge
Confucius says: good to meet girl in park But better to park meat in girl
Confucius says that a man who wants a pretty nurse has to be patient
Confucius Says Man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
Confucius says. He who stands on toilet... high on pot.
Confucius Says: Man who drops watch in toilet is bound to have a crappy time
Confucius says.. Boy who go to bed with itchy bottom wakes up with smelly finger.
Confucius says Man entering airport door sideways bound to Bangkok
Confucius says Aroused man going through TSA gate sideways is going to Bangkok.