Cupid Jokes

So I was at the club They played crank that, and I did the Superman.

They played the Cupid shuffle, so I did the Cupid shuffle.

They played Come on Eileen, and I got kicked out of the club.

Score: 27
Funny Cupid Jokes
Score: 17

What's the difference between Ann Coulter and shooting arrows at lovers? Shooting arrows at lovers is a Cupid stunt.

Score: 12

Cupid lost his id Now we call him cup.

Score: 6

Cupid would be a more believable character... ...if the people he shot rushed into marriage rather than fell in love

Score: 5

What’s the difference between you and a guy who dresses up in a toga & wings and shoots arrows at couples on Valentine’s Day One’s a Cupid Stunt...

Score: 4

Santa claus may only come once a year... But when he does he does it, on Dasher! On Dancer! On Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!

Score: 2

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