I Hear that Russia is so mad about the US airstrike in syria That they are seriously considering voting democratic in the next election.
You want to know what's the most unrealistic thing from Batman V superman? (not a spoiler) A democratic senator from Kentucky.
Why isn't North Korea democratic? Because Kim Jung Un doesn't want a public erection
Bernie Sanders joins list of 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates.
Err sorry, typo. That should be:
Bernie Sanders joins list of 2,020 Democratic Presidential candidates.
I heard on the radio that protestors in Beijing are demanding authentic democratic reforms. Unfortunately, all they can get is cheap Chinese knockoffs.
Kid Rock announced he won't be running for the Republican Michigan Senate nomination . This come as a great relief to Democratic challenger Kid Scissors.
Did you guys hear about the new death camps in North Korea? No you didn't. You haven't heard anything. Long Live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Why are there no chairs in the Democratic National Headquarters? Because everyone is left leaning.
Eric Swalwell has become the first Democratic candidate to withdraw his bid for POTUS I guess he passed the torch.
What's the difference between a democratic system and a feudal system? In one your vote counts, in the other, your count votes.
What does John F. Kennedy have in common with the current Democratic Party? No brains
Did you hear? If the democratic candidate wins the white house... the president will be taking a pay cut. It works out to be about 22%.
In an attempt to rebrand, the Democrats announce that they will change their name from the "Democratic Party" to the "Mario Party". It's to celebrate more than three decades of moving from the left to the right.
I like this new Democratic candidate, Pete Buttigieg. Some people think he's not experienced enough... But it's my vote, so I'll Buttigieg of that.
The bra is the most democratic piece of clothing It elevates the small ones, it supports the big ones and it keeps the masses together.
How did organizers decide what music to play when the Democratic presidential candidate would walk on stage during campaign events for the 2000 U.S. presidential election? They used the Al Gore Rhythm.
If I had a dollar every time one of my professors complained about the collapsing American democratic society... I would have a small loan of a million dollars.
What do you call a conservative acting as a mole in the Democratic party? A decepti-con.
Iran has finally reached out to America politically Concerned for its citizens, they want to send over a few election monitors to ensure a fair democratic election occurs without fraud.
Democratic Difrence Between Usa & India Democratic Difrence Between Usa & India. In Usa U Can Kiss In A Public Place But Can’t Susu. In India U Can Susu In Public Place But Cant Kiss.
What does a democratic magician wear? Appointed Hat.
It took awhile, but Germany has finally emerged as a leading democratic world power. Clearly they understood that it takes three Reich turns to make a left.
What does Superbowl LIV and the Democratic party have in common? No Patriots!!!
How is the Democratic party like this year's Superbowl? Neither one has Patriots in it.
We haven't heard from the Democratic nominee in a while Seems like he's Biden his time