Disney Princess Jokes

Funny Disney Princess Jokes
Score: 40

Who is the funniest Disney princess? Rapunzel

Score: 14

Who's Bill Cosby's favourite Disney princess? Sleeping Beauty

Score: 9

What’s the name of the Disney princess that got burned? Cinder-ella

Score: 7

What do you call a Disney Princess that supports Donald Trump? Snow White Supremacist

Score: 5

My daughter wanted a Disney Princess birthday party… …so I made all her friends come over and clean my house.

Score: 4

What do you call a Mexican Disney Princess? A Taco Belle.

Score: 3

A Disney princess was arrested by mistake They thought it was someone Elsa.

Score: 3

My daughter wanted to have a Disney princess tea party. I couldn't find the tea or the dresses, so I settled for Taco Belle.

Score: 2

What is the most annoying disney princess? Poke-ahontas

Score: 2

Disney princesses usually have a good reputation. But Sleeping Beauty is mistaken as a bad influence because she is always under a rest

Score: 1

Do you wanna know my favorite Disney princess? Homer Simpson. Why not? Now that Disney owns everything.

Score: 1

Which Disney princess has the most jokes Rapunzel

Score: 0

Why didn't the Disney Princess go to the doctor when she got sick? Because the cold never bothered her anyway.

Score: 0

Who do you guys think the hottest disney princess is? for me, it has to be CINDERella

Score: 0

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