Who is the funniest Disney princess? Rapunzel
Who's Bill Cosby's favourite Disney princess? Sleeping Beauty
What’s the name of the Disney princess that got burned? Cinder-ella
What do you call a Disney Princess that supports Donald Trump? Snow White Supremacist
My daughter wanted a Disney Princess birthday party… …so I made all her friends come over and clean my house.
What do you call a Mexican Disney Princess? A Taco Belle.
A Disney princess was arrested by mistake They thought it was someone Elsa.
My daughter wanted to have a Disney princess tea party. I couldn't find the tea or the dresses, so I settled for Taco Belle.
What is the most annoying disney princess? Poke-ahontas
Disney princesses usually have a good reputation. But Sleeping Beauty is mistaken as a bad influence because she is always under a rest
Do you wanna know my favorite Disney princess? Homer Simpson. Why not? Now that Disney owns everything.
Which Disney princess has the most jokes Rapunzel
Why didn't the Disney Princess go to the doctor when she got sick? Because the cold never bothered her anyway.
Who do you guys think the hottest disney princess is? for me, it has to be CINDERella