Do you know about the Roman emperor who had epilepsy? It was Julius Seizure.
Where does the midget pizza chef with epilepsy work? Little seizures
If you have epilepsy, it's important to avoid reading Roman history books. It could cause a Caesar.
I dropped my wife's epilepsy medicine in the washing machine instead of fabric softener. Now her clothes don't fit.
What's the difference between an oyster fisherman with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? The oyster fisherman shucks between fits.
I accidentally dropped my girlfriends epilepsy medication in the washing machine... her clothes don't fit anymore
What is the motto for the Epilepsy Research Society? Sieze the day
What do you call a cow with epilepsy? Beef jerky!
What Roman dictator suffered from Epilepsy? Julius Seizure.
What do you call a roman emperor with epilepsy? Julius Seizure
I'm going to start a treatment center for children with epilepsy I'll call it little seizures.
My buddy smokes weed for his epilepsy He'd have a fit if he ran out!
Paddy goes to the vet with his goldfish. “I think it’s got epilepsy” he tells the vet.
Vet takes a look and says “It seems calm enough to me”.
Paddy says, “I haven’t taken it out of the bowl yet.”
I told my mom she had epilepsy for April fool's day... She fell for it.
What's the difference between a corn farmer with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea. One shucks and fits and the other ...
What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery?
What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery?
One shucks between fits.
Today, March 26th, is Epilepsy Awareness day. So get on out there and seize the day!
What is a person with epilepsy's favourite salad? Chicken Seizure Salad.
What's the difference between an oyster with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? Well, one you shuck between the fits and the other...
What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery? One shucks between fits...
What do you call a cow with epilepsy? Milk shake.
What do you call a bowl full of epilepsy? A seizure salad
Why do cannibals love eating people with epilepsy? Because their favorite side dish is Seizure Salad.
What do you call Italian children with epilepsy? Little Caesars
My town has a large epilepsy hospital
Today, I wanted to do something nice for the kids: they’re always so sad about not being able to do normal things. It was a $1200 investment for all of them total, but...
Who’s ready for laser tag!?
The cops raided our house and set off my epilepsy... Talk about a search and seizure
I think my goldfish has epilepsy He’s fine swimming in the water but has a fit when I take him out to play.
What pizza chain do people with epilepsy like the least? Little seizures
My wife accidentally dropped her epilepsy medicine in the washing machine... Her clothes don’t fit anymore...
Appreciating a joke
As an epileptic, I appreciate jokes about epilepsy. As a Jew, I appreciate Jewish and holocaust jokes. As a Caucasian, I enjoy the very few white jokes.
If only I was an Oompa Loompa, then I can enjoy Donald Trump Jokes.
What is the difference between a corn-shucker with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? One shucks between fits.
Shakespeare is like a fish with epilepsy I can't even begin to grasp it.
What do you a call a man with no legs, no arms, has a severe case of epilepsy and in a pile of dead leaves? Russell
CARPE DIEM! Seize the day is a great motto to live by... Unless you have epilepsy.
What did they call the district manager with epilepsy? Carpe DM