Epilepsy Jokes

Do you know about the Roman emperor who had epilepsy? It was Julius Seizure.

Score: 132
Funny Epilepsy Jokes
Score: 130

Where does the midget pizza chef with epilepsy work? Little seizures

Score: 77

If you have epilepsy, it's important to avoid reading Roman history books. It could cause a Caesar.

Score: 58

I dropped my wife's epilepsy medicine in the washing machine instead of fabric softener. Now her clothes don't fit.

Score: 57

What's the difference between an oyster fisherman with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? The oyster fisherman shucks between fits.

Score: 46

I accidentally dropped my girlfriends epilepsy medication in the washing machine... ...now her clothes don't fit anymore

Score: 44

What is the motto for the Epilepsy Research Society? Sieze the day

Score: 43

What do you call a cow with epilepsy? Beef jerky!

Score: 29

What Roman dictator suffered from Epilepsy? Julius Seizure.

Score: 22

What do you call a roman emperor with epilepsy? Julius Seizure

Score: 21

I'm going to start a treatment center for children with epilepsy I'll call it little seizures.

Score: 17

My buddy smokes weed for his epilepsy He'd have a fit if he ran out!

Score: 12

Epilepsy Paddy goes to the vet with his goldfish. “I think it’s got epilepsy” he tells the vet.

Vet takes a look and says “It seems calm enough to me”.

Paddy says, “I haven’t taken it out of the bowl yet.”

Score: 11

I told my mom she had epilepsy for April fool's day... She fell for it.

Score: 10

What's the difference between a corn farmer with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea. One shucks and fits and the other ...

Score: 10

What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery? What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery?

One shucks between fits.

Score: 10

Today, March 26th, is Epilepsy Awareness day. So get on out there and seize the day!

Score: 9

What is a person with epilepsy's favourite salad? Chicken Seizure Salad.

Score: 8

What's the difference between an oyster with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? Well, one you shuck between the fits and the other...

Score: 7

What's the difference between a corn husker with epilepsy and a prostitute with dysentery? One shucks between fits...

Score: 7

What do you call a cow with epilepsy? Milk shake.

Score: 7

What do you call a bowl full of epilepsy? A seizure salad

Score: 7

Why do cannibals love eating people with epilepsy? Because their favorite side dish is Seizure Salad.

Score: 6

What do you call Italian children with epilepsy? Little Caesars

Score: 6

My town has a large epilepsy hospital Today, I wanted to do something nice for the kids: they’re always so sad about not being able to do normal things. It was a $1200 investment for all of them total, but...

Who’s ready for laser tag!?

Score: 6

The cops raided our house and set off my epilepsy... Talk about a search and seizure

Score: 5

I think my goldfish has epilepsy He’s fine swimming in the water but has a fit when I take him out to play.

Score: 5

What pizza chain do people with epilepsy like the least? Little seizures

Score: 4

My wife accidentally dropped her epilepsy medicine in the washing machine... Her clothes don’t fit anymore...

Score: 4

Appreciating a joke As an epileptic, I appreciate jokes about epilepsy. As a Jew, I appreciate Jewish and holocaust jokes. As a Caucasian, I enjoy the very few white jokes.

If only I was an Oompa Loompa, then I can enjoy Donald Trump Jokes.

Score: 3

What is the difference between a corn-shucker with epilepsy and a prostitute with diarrhea? One shucks between fits.

Score: 2

Shakespeare is like a fish with epilepsy I can't even begin to grasp it.

Score: 2

What do you a call a man with no legs, no arms, has a severe case of epilepsy and in a pile of dead leaves? Russell

Score: 1

CARPE DIEM! Seize the day is a great motto to live by... Unless you have epilepsy.

Score: 1

What did they call the district manager with epilepsy? Carpe DM

Score: 1

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