February Jokes

Funny February Jokes
Score: 772

Can February march? No, but April may.

Score: 686

Why do women talk less in february? Cause there's only 28 days

Score: 509

How many seconds are there in one year? 12 of them: January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 2nd, May 2nd, June 2nd, July 2nd, August 2nd, September 2nd, October 2nd, November 2nd, December 2nd.

Score: 46

Do you know who Russia's 3 greatest generals are? December, January, and February.

Score: 40

Why do women talk less in February? There's only 28 days this month.

Score: 37

I have a date for Valentines February the 14th

Score: 36

Can February March? No. But April May.


Score: 30

girl answer when boy ask about valentines Boy: Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?

Girl: Yes, February 14th.

Score: 30

I can't wait for Tuesday, February 22, 2022 (2/22/22). . We can call it... 2's day

Score: 26

Does February march? No, but April may!

Score: 26

Emperor Augustus throws down his pen in disgust... Emperor Augustus throws down his pen in disgust, exclaiming:

"I can't believe it's February and I'm still writing B.C. on all of my checks!"

Score: 25

February is ending today, but that's okay. We'll March on.

Score: 22

Joke from WWII: The USSR's three greatest generals. What're the names of the USSR's three greatest generals? December, January, and February!

Score: 16

Q: Can February March? No. But April May!

Score: 14

Do you have a date for Valentine's Day? Yes February 14th.

Score: 14

❤ ALENTINES AY ❤ For all those that won't be getting the V or D on February 14th.

Score: 10

Remember the undies with the days of the week on them, Monday, Tuesday....? In Romania we had something similar, our girls on their undies had January, February....

Score: 9

Can february march? No, but april may.

~~ sorry, I just love bad jokes~~

Score: 9

Can February March? Don't know but April May...

Score: 8

In which month do women talk less? February, it has the least amount of days.

Score: 8

Q: Can February March? *A: No. But April May!*

Score: 8

my friend bought tickets for the super bowl Llll on February 3rd 2019 in Atlanta not realizing that it is also the day of his marriage. so if someone is interested The church is in Rochester, the womens name is Clarissa

Score: 7

Pencil Me In Boy: Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?

Girl: Yes, February 14th.

Score: 6

women talk A: Dude, Do you know why women talk less in February?

B: Nope, why?

A: Cause it has only 29 days.

Score: 6

Which is the month in which women talk the least? February... because it has the least number of days

Score: 5

Will February March? No, but April May :')

Sorry, IDK if this was posted before.

And yes, I know it's bad.

Score: 5

Birthday The Judge asks the defendant, “When is your birthday Mr McKenzie?“ 
“February 20th, Your Honor.”
“And what year?”
“Every year, Your Honor"

Score: 5

Alentines Ay For those who won't be getting the V or the D on February 14th.

Score: 5

Court Hearing in Helsinki The judge questions the culprit:
"Where have you been in the night of the 4th November to 11th February?"

Score: 5

Q: When does January end? A: February 1st

Q: When does March end?

A: April 1st

Q: When does May end?

A: June 7th

Score: 5

4th July If the 4th of July is independence Day, why isn't 17th February Shawshank redemption day? It was a much better film.

Score: 3

The March for Life is all fine and well..... But why are we forgetting the January and February for Life?

Score: 2

February doesn’t like March But April May

Score: 2

How do you get 100 Canadians to jump in a game pool in the middle of February? Say please

Score: 2

What do you say when someone dies between February 19 and March 20? Rest in Pisces

Score: 2

Which "real"* months are the quickest? *February is fake news The ones that get to 31st.

Score: 1

Does February ever turn into June? I don’t know, but if you March forward April May.

Score: 1

What do you get when you cross the Incredible Hulk and Captain America? The Star-Spangled Banner.



Credit to Sean P. His joke was in the February 2019 issue of *Boys Life* magazine.

Score: 1

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