Fox News Jokes

Funny Fox News Jokes
Score: 207

Dear Fox News..... I have yet to see any news about foxes.

Sincerely, Disappointed viewer.....

Score: 153

Fox News has determined the cause of the recent plane crash. It was the left wing.

Score: 67

Black man kills conservative politician! The final Fox News spin on Osama's death.

Score: 35

I needed to have some white noise on in the background to help me fall asleep Fox News seemed to do the trick.

Score: 22

FOX new has saved my legs! I got into a terridle car crash and and lost the use of my legs. When I was in the hospital, FOX news came on the TV. I got up to change the channel.

Score: 12

Facebook and basic cable Reading Facebook feels like I'm watching basic cable in a hotel: All I want is Comedy Central, but all I can find is the Food Network, workout infomercials and Fox News.

Score: 11

I just saw a "Breaking News" link from Fox News come across my Facebook feed Fully thought it was their new slogan

Score: 8

Fox News' slogan is "Fair and Balanced". That's it. That's the joke.

Score: 6

What do brunettes and Democrats have in common? No chance of working for Fox News

Score: 6

Fox news in four words: "I'm not racist, but..."

Score: 4

Why does President Trump only drink liquor made by Fox News? Everything else is fake booze.

Score: 4

Why do Fox News and CNN journalists go to the same gym? It has a really great spin class.

Score: 4

Cringe Airlines What happens when you combine Fox News, CNN, and a Fleshlight.

You get a plane

The right wing, the left wing, and the cockpit.

Score: 4

People are mad because MTV doesn't show music videos. What about Fox News? They haven't shown a fox in months.

(Craig Ferguson)

Score: 3

A Banker, a Fox News fan and a welfare recipient are at a table sharing 12 cookies... The banker takes 11 cookies and says to the Fox News fan: "Watch out for the welfare guy, he wants your cookie!".

Score: 3

George HW Bush fell and broke his neck today It's in the news. Today George HW Bush fell and broke his neck at home in Maine. Fox news is blaming it on Hillary. Donald Trump said his Mexican Maid pushed him down the stairs.

Score: 3

Did you hear about Bill O'Reilly? "He got fired from Fox News today"

"Oh really?"

"No, O'Reilly".

Score: 3

"Hey honey, I didn't know they were making an Idiocracy 2." The man said to his wife... "Oh," she said, glancing at the TV. " You are just on Fox news."

Score: 3

My daughters fall asleep to white noise. So in the evenings, we turn on Fox News.

Score: 3

Trump often appears on Fox news, which is ironic Because a fox often appears on Trump's head

Score: 2

What would the headline be if Barack Obama walked on water across a lake in full view of a Fox News reporter? "OBAMA CAN'T SWIM"

Score: 2

What happens when you spend your days drinking Mt. Dew while watching FOX News? Truth decay

Score: 2

The cable news networks tend to cater to different groups Fox News is for right wings, MSNBC is for left wings, and CNN is for plane wings.

Score: 2

There's a new The President show on Comedy Central starting the 27th about Donald Trump We can just watch Fox News until then.

Score: 2

Pepsi: Well THAT was the PR nightmare of the century. Fox News: Hold my beer.

United Airlines: Jinx, owe me a Coke?

Pepsi: For reals?

Sean Spicer: Make it a double.

Score: 2

Roger Ailes passing is another attempt by Fox news to distract from trump/russia Now that's *deadication*

Score: 1

What kind of beer do Fox News analysts drink? Roger Ales.

Score: 1

A racist joke: Fox News.

Score: 1

My girlfriend warned me the first time I stayed over that, she likes to fall asleep to white noise Turns out she meant leaving the TV on Fox News

Score: 1

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